- A Certain Ratio
- A Chorus Of Disapproval
- A Day In Black And White
- A Day To Remember
- A Dead Forest Index
- A Death In The Family
- A Diadem Of Dead Stars
- A Diadem Of Dead Stars
- A Frames
- A Global Threat
- A Hero A Fake
- A Life Once Lost
- A Perfect Murder
- A Place To Bury Strangers
- A Set
- A Silver Mt Zion
- A Storm Of Life
- A Storm Of Light
- A Wilhelm Scream
- A-bones
- A.A.Williams
- A.m. Thawn
- A.N.S.
- A/64
- Aa
- Aanipaa
- Aaritila
- Aaron Turner
- Abandoned
- Abduktio
- Abhinanda
- Abigail
- Abigails, The
- Abomination
- About Group
- Abraham
- Abrasion
- Abrasive Wheels
- Abscess
- Absent in Body
- Abstracter
- Abuse
- Abuse Of Power
- Abused
- Abusive Action
- Abyss
- Ac Accoustics
- AC4
- Acacia Strain
- Accept
- Accident
- Accidental Suicide
- Accidents
- Accused
- Acephalix
- Acid Attack
- Acid Fast
- Acid King
- Acid Mothers Temple
- Acid Reflux
- Acid Row
- Acid Tiger
- Acidez
- Across Tundras
- Action
- Action Pact
- Action Swingers
- Activations
- Active Minds
- Actives
- Acursed
- Adam Green
- Adamantium
- Adamson, Barry
- Adele
- Adem
- Adicts
- Admiral
- Adolescents
- Adrenalin O.D.
- Adrianne Lenker
- Adult.
- Advent
- Adventures
- Adverts
- Aerial FX
- Aerial M
- Aerial Ruin
- Aerosmith
- Aesahaettr
- Aethenor
- AEvangelist
- Afghan Whigs
- Afgrund
- Afsky
- After The Fall
- After The Last Sky
- Afterlife
- Afterlife Kids
- Afternoon Gentlemen, The
- Aftershock
- Against
- Against Empire
- Against Me!
- Agalloch
- Agathocles
- Age Of Collapse
- Age Of Taurus
- Agent Orange
- Agent Steel
- Agents Of Abhorrence
- Aggression Pact
- Aggrolites
- Agitator
- Agnes Obel
- Agnes Strange
- Agnostic Front
- Agoraphobic Nosebleed
- Agression
- Agriculture
- Agrimonia
- Ah! Kosmos
- Ahoj
- Ai
- Aiden
- Ails
- Aina
- Airbourne
- Airfix Kits
- Akercocke
- Akimbo
- Akira Sakata
- Akron Family
- Al Green
- Alabama 3
- Alabama Thunderpussy
- Alan Vega
- Alaric
- Alarm Clocks
- Alarm!
- Alarms & Controls
- Alarms And Controls / Secret Smoker
- Alaskan
- Alastor
- Album Leaf
- Alcatraz
- Alcest
- Alchemist
- Alcoa
- Aldous Harding
- Alehammer
- Alex Cameron
- Alex Delivery
- Alex Is On Fire
- Alexander Hacke
- Alexander Tucker
- Alfa Mist
- Alfahanne
- Algiers
- Alias
- Alice Bag
- Alice Cooper
- Alice Donut
- Alice In Chains
- Alicja-Pop
- Alien Nose Job
- Alien Nosejob
- Alien Sex Fiend
- Alkaline Trio
- All Ages
- All For Nothing
- All Out War
- All Pigs Must Die
- All That Remains
- All The Saints
- All Them Witches
- All Your Sisters
- Allegiance
- Alley Cats
- Alligators
- Aloha
- Alpha & Omega
- Alpha Strategy
- Alphones
- Alpinist
- Alt-J
- Altar Of Plagues
- Altarage
- Alternative TV
- Alvaret Ensemble
- Alvvays
- Amanda Woodward
- Amaranthe
- Amarok
- Amazing Shakeheads
- Ambarchi, Oren
- Ambarchi, Oren & Robin Fox
- Amber Asylum
- Amber Inn
- Ambitions
- Amdi Petersens Arme
- Amebix
- Amelie Siba
- Amen Dunes
- Amendment 18
- Amenra
- American Analog Set
- American Football
- American Nightmare
- American Steel
- American War Machine
- Ammo
- Amon Amarth
- Amon Düül II
- Amorphis
- Ampere
- Amps For Christ
- Amps, The
- Amputee
- Amulets
- Amyl and The Sniffers
- An Albatross
- Anaal Nathrakh
- Anagnorisis
- Anagnorisis
- Anal Cunt
- Anal Trump
- Anasarca
- Anathema
- Anatomi 71
- Anavan
- Ancestors
- Anchor
- Ancient Heads
- Ancient Shores
- Ancient Sky
- Ancient Wisdom
- Ancre
- Ancst
- And
- And So I Watch You From Afar
- And You Will
- Andalusians
- Andersen, Mark
- Andres Renteria
- Andrew Jackson Jihad
- Andy The Band
- Angel City Outcasts
- Angel Dust
- Angel Hair
- Angel Olsen
- Angel Witch
- Angelic Upstarts
- Angelo Badalamenti
- Angels Of Light
- Anger Regiment
- Angest Strange
- Angry Angles
- Angry Samoans
- Angry Vets
- Anihilated
- Animal Collective
- Anka Paul
- Ann Beretta
- Anna Oxygen
- Anna St. Louis
- Anna Von Hausswolff
- Annihilation Time
- Annihilator
- Anodyne
- Anomoanon
- Anopheli
- Another Breath
- Another Sinking Ship
- Ans
- Antagonize
- Antagonizers ATL
- Antarctica
- Antelope
- Anthem Eighty Eight
- Anthony Moore
- Anthrax
- Anti
- Anti Atlas
- Anti Cimex
- Anti Flag
- Anti Matter Book
- Anti Pasti
- Anti Ritual
- Anti Ritual
- Anti-dogmatikss
- Anti-Heros
- Anti-Nowhere League
- Anti-system
- Anti-you
- Antichrist Siege Machine
- Antidote
- Antidotum
- Antioch Arrow
- Antischism
- Antisect
- Antiseen
- Antlers
- Antony And The Johnsons
- Anxious
- Anyway
- Apache
- Apartments, The
- Apathetic Youth
- Apatia No
- Apes, the
- Aphex Twin
- Aphonic Threnody
- Apocalypse Tribe
- Apostles, The
- Appalachian Terror Unit
- Apparat
- Apparition
- Appendix
- Apple, Fiona
- Apse
- Aqua Bendita
- Aqua Nebula Oscillator
- Aquarian Blood
- Aquarium
- Arab On Radar
- Arab Strap
- Arabrot
- Arbor Labor Union
- Arboricidio
- Arbouretum
- Arc Iris
- Arca
- Arcade Fire
- Arcadea
- Archaeas, the
- Archie Bronson Outfit
- Architects
- Archive
- Archivist
- Arctic Flowers
- Arctic Monkeys
- Ariel Pink
- Ariel Pink's Haunted
- Arise And Ruin
- Arkangel
- Arktau Eos
- Arliss Nancy
- Arlo Parks
- Armada
- Armagedom
- Armagedon
- Armalite
- Armor For Sleep
- Arms Race
- Armstrong, Louis
- Army Of Ponch
- Arndales
- Arright Antraek
- Arrogant Twins
- Arsons
- Artefact
- Arthur Russell
- Articles Of Faith
- Artificial Brain
- Artificial Peace
- Artimus Pyle
- Arvo Part
- As Friends Rust
- As I Lay Dying
- Asbestosdeath
- Ascend
- Aseethe
- Ash Borer
- Ashbringer
- Asobi Seksu
- Asocial
- Aspera
- Assassination
- Assassinators
- Asschapel
- Assemble Head In Sunburst Sound
- Assfactor 4
- Assfort
- Asshole Parade
- Assistant
- Assuck
- Ast
- Asta Kask
- Asterisk
- Astra
- Astrid Williamson
- Astronautalis
- Astute Palate
- Asunder
- Asva
- At The Drive In
- At The Gates
- Ataque Zero
- Ataraxia
- Atari
- Ataris, The
- Atavist
- Atheist
- Atij
- Ativin
- Atlantean Kodex
- Atlas Losing Grip
- Atlas Sound
- Atman Acron
- Atom Age
- Atom And His Package
- Atom Notes
- Atomic Bitchwax
- Atomic Cries
- Atoms For Peace
- Atomsmasher
- Atoxxxico
- Atreyu
- Atriarch
- Attak
- Attitude Adjustment
- Attractive And Popular
- Attrix
- Audacity
- Audible
- Auerbach, Dan
- August Burns Red
- August Prophecy
- Aun
- Aunt Mary
- Aura Noir
- Auroch
- Aus Rotten
- Ausgebombt
- Ausmuteants
- Aussitot Mort
- Austin Lucas
- Austrasian Goat
- Autarch
- Author & Punisher
- Autistic Youth
- Automat
- Autopsy
- Autumn de Wilde
- Autumn Offering
- Auxes
- Avail
- Avec Le Soleil Sortant De Sa Bouche
- Avenger
- Avengers
- Avey Tares Slasher Flicks
- Avi Buffalo
- Aviator
- Avskum
- Avulsed
- Awaken Demons
- Axegressor
- Axegrinder
- Axis
- Axis Of Despair
- Axis:Sova
- Axxa/Abraxas
- Aye Nako
- Azita
- B Boys
- B Girls, the
- B.B. King
- B.g.k.
- B.u.s.h.
- Baader Brains
- Babes In Toyland
- Baboon Show, The
- Baby Dee
- Baby Washington
- Backfire
- Backslider
- Backstabbers Inc.
- Backtrack
- Backyard Babies
- Bad Blood
- Bad Brains
- Bad Breeding
- Bad Cop/Bad Cop
- Bad Dudes
- Bad Engrish
- Bad Luck Charms
- Bad Manners
- Bad Religion
- Bad Sports
- Bad Vision
- BadBadNotGood
- Baestien
- Bags
- Bahratal
- Baker, Aidan (nadja)
- Baker, Julien
- Balaclava
- Balance Of Terror
- Balthazar
- Bambara
- Bamboo Kids
- Bamwise
- Band Of Horses
- Bane
- Banished
- Banks, Paul
- Banned In DC
- Banner Pilot
- Banner, The
- Banxthis!
- Baphomet
- Baptist Generals
- Baptists
- Bar Italia
- Barbaras
- Barbarian
- Barbed Wire
- Bare Escape
- Bare Mutants
- Baretta Love
- Barkhard
- Barlow, Lou
- Barn Owl
- Baroness
- Barracudas
- Barreracudas
- Barricade
- Barrowlands
- Barry, Tim
- Bars
- Barstool Preachers
- Barwick, Julianna
- Basement Jaxx
- Bastard Noise
- Bastards
- Batalj
- Bathory
- Baths
- Batillus
- Baton Rouge
- Bats And Mice
- Battalion Of Saints
- Battery
- Battle Of Mice
- Battle Path
- Battle Royale
- Battlehorn
- Bauhaus
- Baxter Dury
- Bayonet
- Bayonettes
- Bayside
- Baz
- BB King
- Bc Camplight
- Be All End All
- Be Well
- Beach Boys
- Beach Bum
- Beach Fossils
- Beach House
- Beach Rats
- Beach Slang
- Beachwood Sparks
- Beak>
- Bear Vs Shark
- Beastie Boys
- Beastmaker
- Beastmilk
- Beasts, The
- Beat Beat Beat
- Beat Happening
- Beatles
- Beatnik Termites
- Beatsteaks
- Beautiful New Born Children
- Beautiful Ones
- Beautiful Skin
- Beauty Pill
- Beauty To Ashes
- Beck
- Bed Maker
- Bedemon
- Bedhead
- Bedlam
- Bedlight For Blue Eyes
- Bedrövlers
- Beecher
- Beerzone
- Behemoth
- Beherit
- Behind Enemy Lines
- Behind The Shadow Drops
- Beirut
- Belgrado
- Bell Witch
- Bella Technika
- Belle And Sebastian
- Bellicose Minds
- Bellini
- Bellmer Dolls
- Bellrays
- Beltones
- Beltones, The
- Belus
- Ben + Vesper
- Ben Davis
- Ben Frost
- Benchpress
- Beneath The Massacre
- Beneath The Sky
- Benjamin Zephaniah
- Benjy Ferree
- Bent Blue
- Bent Life
- Bent Out Of Shape
- Bent Sea
- Bent Wind
- Beps 'n' Johnnies
- Berosszulás
- Berry, Chuck
- Bersarin Quartett
- Bert Queiroz
- Berthold City
- Besnard Lakes
- Besthoven
- Betercore
- Beth Orton
- Beton Combo
- Betrayed
- Better Oblivion Community Center
- Better Off Dead
- Better Than A Thousand
- Bettercore
- Betunizer
- Between The Buried And Me
- Between The Wars
- Beyond
- Bi Marks
- Bianca Casady & The C.I.A
- Bibione
- Big Black
- Big Boys
- Big Brave
- Big Business
- Big Cheese
- Big Chief
- Big Crux
- Big D & The Kids Table
- Big Eyes
- Big Kids
- Big Laugh
- Big Mess
- Big Red Machine
- Big Sexy Noise
- Big Sir
- Big Takeover
- Big Thief
- Bikini Kill
- Bill MacKay
- Billie Eilish
- Billy Childish
- Billy Fay Group
- Billy Idol
- Billy No Mates (snuff)
- Biohazard
- Bipolar Bear
- Bird Eater
- Birdflesh
- Birds In Row
- Birds Of Passage
- Birds Of Passage + Leonardo Rosado
- Birds Of Prey
- Birthday Party
- Birthday Party & Lydia Lunch
- Bishop
- Bishop Allen
- Bishops Green
- Bitch
- Bitch Boys
- Bitchin Bajas and Bonnie Prince Billy
- Bite Down
- Bitter End
- Bizarre Uproar
- Bizarros
- Bizex B
- BJNilsen
- Bjork
- Bjork, Brant
- Bjork, Brant And The Operators
- Bl'ast
- Blaak Heat
- Blaak Heat Shujaa
- Black Angels
- Black Anvil
- Black Army Jacket
- Black Baron
- Black Boned Angel
- Black Breath
- Black Cat 13
- Black Cobra
- Black Country, New Road
- Black Cross
- Black Dahlia Murder
- Black Diamond Heavies
- Black Dice
- Black Eyes
- Black Flag
- Black Friday 29
- Black God
- Black Guard
- Black Heart Procession
- Black Heart Procession + Solbaken
- Black Heart Rebellion
- Black Heat
- Black Ice
- Black Jaspers
- Black Keys
- Black Lips
- Black Magic Six
- Black Mamba Beat
- Black Marble
- Black Maria
- Black Market Baby
- Black Market Fetus
- Black Math Horseman
- Black Merinos
- Black Midi
- Black Moth Super Rainbow
- Black Mountain
- Black My Heart
- Black Ox Orkestar
- Black Pacific
- Black Pumas
- Black Randy & The Metrosquad
- Black Randy & The Metrosquad
- Black Randy And His Elite Metro Squad
- Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
- Black Sabbath
- Black Sea
- Black Shape Of Nexus
- Black Strap
- Black Sunday
- Black Time
- Black To Comm
- Black Totem
- Black Tower
- Black Train Jack
- Black Tusk
- Black Uniforms
- Black Waves (blckwvs)
- Black Widows
- Black Wine
- Black Wing
- Black, Frank
- Blackened
- Blackfilm
- Blacklist Royals
- Blacklisted
- Blackouts
- Blackshaw, James
- Blackstrap
- Blag Dahlia
- Blanck Mass
- Blank Dogs
- Blank Its
- Blank Pages
- Blank Realm
- Blasting Concept
- Blatz
- Bleach Everything
- Bleached
- Bleed Into One
- Bleeding Out
- Bleeding Rectum
- Bleeding Through
- Blind Justice
- Blind Pigs
- Blind Shake, The
- Blind To Faith
- Bliss Signal
- Blistered
- Blitz
- Blitzen Trapper
- Blitzkrieg
- Blixa Bargeld
- Bloc Party
- Blonde Redhead
- Blondes
- Blondie
- Blood And Time
- Blood Brothers
- Blood Ceremony
- Blood For Blood
- Blood From The Soul
- Blood Has Been Shed
- Blood Incantation
- Blood Or Whiskey
- Blood Orange
- Blood Stands Still
- Blood, the
- Bloodbath
- Bloodclot
- Bloodhounds, The
- Bloodlet
- Bloodline
- Bloodquest
- Bloody Gears
- Bloody Hollies
- Bloody Phoenix
- Blow
- Blowback
- Blowfuse
- Blue Monday
- Blue Öyster Cult
- Blueneck
- Blues Control
- Blues Section
- Blueskins
- Bluetip
- Blunt Razors
- Blur
- Bo Diddley
- Bob Bert
- Bob Marley & The Wailers
- Bob Mehr
- Bobsleigh Baby
- Boddicker
- Bodies Of Water
- Boduf Songs
- Body Of Light
- Body, The
- Body, The And Thou
- Body/Head
- Bog Body
- Bog Oak
- Bohren & Der Club Of Gore
- Bold
- Boldness
- Bollo
- Bolt Stein
- Bolt Thrower
- Bomb The Music Industry!
- Bomb, The
- Bombenalarm
- Bomberegn
- Bombpops
- Bombs Lullabye
- Bombshell Rocks
- Bomp Book 1
- Bomp Book 2
- Bon Iver
- Bonde Do Role
- Bonded By Blood
- Bone Machine
- Bone Sickness
- Bonecrusher
- Bonehunter
- Boneless Ones
- Bones
- Bones Brigade
- Bongzilla
- Bonk
- Bonnevilles, The
- Bonnie Prince Billy
- Bonnie Prince Billy (palace)
- Bonnie Prince Billy (will Oldham)
- Bonnie Prince Billy & Dawn Mccarthy
- Bonnie Prince Billy & Matt Sweeney
- Bonnie Prince Billy & The Cairo Gang
- Bonnie Prince Billy And The Cairo Gang
- Bonnie Stillwatter
- Bonny Billy & The Picket Line
- Bonny Billy & The Picket Line
- Bonny Doon
- Bonus
- Boo Radleys
- Books
- Books Lie
- Bootlicker
- Booze And Glory
- Boris
- Boris The Sprinkler
- Boris With Ian Astbury
- Boris With Merzbow
- Boris With Michio Kurihara
- Born Against
- Born Annoying
- Born Dead Icons
- Born From Pain
- Born Low
- Born Uglys
- Born/Dead
- Bosnian Rainbows
- Boss Hog
- Bosse-De-Nage
- Bossk
- Boston Strangler
- Botanist
- Botch
- Bottomless Pit
- Bouncing Souls
- Bowie David
- Bowl Ethereal
- Box Elders
- Boxed In
- Boy Harsher
- Boy Sets Fire
- Boy, The
- Boygenius
- Boys
- Boys Life
- Boys Next Door
- Boys Night Out
- Boys The
- Bozulich, Carla
- Bracken
- Bracket
- Bradley, Charles
- Bragg, Billy
- Braid
- Brain F
- Brain Killer
- Brain Tentacles
- Brain Tourniquet
- Brainiac
- Brainoil
- Branca, Glenn
- Branch Manager
- Brandon Butler
- Brant Bjork
- Brant Bjork And The Low Desert Punk Band
- Brassknuckle
- Brat, the
- Bratmobile
- Breach
- Breag Naofa
- Break
- Break Away
- Breakaways
- Breakdown
- Breakfast
- Breakout
- Breakouts
- Breather Resist
- Breeders
- Brel, Jacques
- Brendan Canty+lois Maffeo
- Brian Eno
- Brian Jonestown Massacre
- Brian Olive
- Bridge And Tunnel
- Bridge To Solace
- Briefs, The
- Brigade Loco
- Brigata Vendetta
- Briggs, The
- Bright Eyes
- Brimstone Howl
- Bring The Drones
- British Sea Power
- Broadway Calls
- Broccoli
- Brockaw, Chris
- Brodka
- Brody's Militia
- Broken Bones
- Broken Bottles
- Broken Cross
- Broken Patterns
- Broken Spindles
- Broken Twin
- Broken Water
- Bronx
- Bronxxx
- Bronze
- Brother Inferior
- Brother Sun, Sister Moon
- Brotherhood
- Brothers Keeper
- Brothers Of The Sonic Cloth
- Brown, James
- Bruisers
- Brujeria
- Brunettes
- Brunner Todesmarsch
- Brutal Knights
- Brutal Truth
- Brutally Deceased
- Brutus
- Buena Vista Social Club
- Buffalo Killers
- Build & Destroy
- Buildings
- Built In Sun
- Built To Spill
- Bull Brigade
- Bullet For My Valentine
- Bullet Lavolta
- Bullet Ridden
- Bullet Treatment
- Bum City Saints
- Bumbklaatt
- Bumbrle
- Bunker 66
- Bunny Lee
- Bunuel
- Burial
- Burial Hex
- Burial Oath
- Buried Alive
- Buried At Sea
- Buried Inside
- Burke, Solomon
- Burn
- Burn It Down
- Burn Your Bridges
- Burning Airlines
- Burning Fight
- Burning Kitchen
- Burning Love
- Burning Saviours
- Burning Skies
- Burning Vow
- Burning Witch
- Burnt By The Sun
- Burnt Ones
- Burst
- Bury My Sins
- Bury The Living
- Bury Your Dead
- Business As Usual
- Business, The
- Busted Outlook
- Busy Signals
- Butler Will
- Butthole Surfers
- Buzzcocks
- Buzzkill
- Buzzoven
- Bvandžija
- By A Thread
- By Night
- By The Grace Of God
- Byla & Jarboe
- Byrne, Julie
- Bystander
- C.aarme
- C.H.E.W.
- C.O.F.F.I.N.
- C.R.A.S.H.
- C4
- Cabaret Voltaire
- Cable Car Theory
- Calculator
- Cale, John
- Calexico
- Caliban
- Calico System
- Califone
- California
- California Love
- Call Me Lightning
- Call Of The Void
- Call The Police
- Callahan, Bill
- Calling Hours
- Callisto
- Calm The Fire
- Calvary
- Calvi, Anna
- Calvin Johnson
- Camera
- Camera Obscura
- Camouflage
- Camp Cope
- Campus Sterminii
- Can
- Can't Decide
- Canadian Rifle
- Cancer
- Cancer Bats
- Cancer Kids
- Cancerous Growth
- Candlemass
- Candy
- Candy Now
- Cannabis Corpse
- Cannae
- Cannibal Corpse
- Canon Blue
- Canyon Records
- Capital
- Capital Letters
- Capital Punishment
- Capitalist Casualties
- Capitol City Dusters
- Capitols
- Capputtini
- Capsula
- Capsule
- Captain Beefheart
- Captain Beefheart & The Magic Band
- Captain Sensible
- Car Bomb
- Car Seat Headrest
- Car Vs Driver
- Caravels
- Carbonas
- Carcass
- Cardiac Arrest
- Career Soldiers
- Career Suicide
- Cargo Cult
- Caribou
- Carla Dal Forno
- Carlos Cipa
- Carnifex
- Carnist
- Caroline
- Carousel
- Carpathian
- Carpathian Forest
- Carpettes
- Carrier
- Carrion Spring
- Carry On
- Cars And Trains
- Carson Wells
- Carter Tutti Void
- Carter, Chris
- Casanovas Schwule Seite
- Case, Peter
- Cash, Johnny
- Cashmore, Michael
- Casket Lottery
- Caspian
- Cass McCombs
- Cassettes
- Castanets
- Castanets Vs Ero
- Castevet
- Casualties
- Cat On Form
- Cat Party
- Cat Power
- Catalyst
- Cataract
- Catch 22
- Catfish Haven
- Catharsis
- Cathedral
- Catheters
- Cattle Decapitation
- Caught In A Crowd
- Cauldron
- Cauldron Black Ram
- Caulfield
- Cause
- Cause For Alarm
- Caustic Christ
- Caustic Wound
- Cave
- Cave Canem
- Cave In
- Cave Nick
- Cave Singers
- Cave, Nick And The Bad Seeds
- Caveman
- Cavity
- CC Dust
- CCR Headcleaner
- Celan
- Celebration
- Celeste
- Celestial Shore
- Celibate Rifles
- Cellgraft
- Celtic Frost
- Centinex
- Centuries
- Cephalic Carnage
- Cerebral Rot
- Cerebros Exprimidos
- Ceremony
- Cervenka, Exene
- Cessna's, Slim Auto Club
- Cex
- Chad VanGaalen
- Chain And The Gang
- Chain Of Strength
- Challenger
- Chamberlain
- Champion
- Champions
- Change
- Channel 3
- Channels
- Chaos UK
- Chaotic Dischord
- Chaotic End
- Charger
- Chariot
- Charles Aznavour
- Charles, Ray
- Charlie Harper
- Charlie Megira
- Charm
- Charming Snakes
- Chastity
- Chat Pile
- Cheap Girls
- Cheap Sex
- Cheap Time
- Cheater Slicks
- Cheena
- Cheetah Chrome Motherfuckers
- Cheetah Chrome Motherfuckers
- Chelsea
- Chelsea Light Moving
- Chelsea Wolfe
- Chemicals
- Chesnutt, Vic
- Chess Records
- Cheval De Frise
- Chickenpox
- Chicks On Speed
- Chief
- Chief Bromden
- Chieftones
- Chikamorachi
- Child Meadow
- Children Of Bodom
- Children Of Fall
- Children Of God
- Children Of One
- Children Of Technology
- Chimaira
- Chin Up Chin Up
- Chinese Stars
- Chinkees
- Chino Horde
- Chip Hanna
- Chisel
- Chisel, The
- Chixdiggit
- Choice To Make
- Choidos
- Choir Boy
- Choir Vandals
- Chokehold
- Chook Race
- Chord
- Chosen Ones
- Chrch
- Chris & Carla
- Chris Colohan
- Chris Connelly
- Chris Cresswell
- Chris Eckman
- Chris Forsyth & The Solar Motel Band
- Chris Wollard
- Chris Wollard And Addison Burns
- Chris Wollard And Ship Thieves
- Chrisma
- Christ On Parade
- Christ On The Crutch
- Christian Death
- Christian Lee Hutson
- Christian Mistress
- Christiane F.
- Christiansen
- Christie Front Drive
- Christmas Island
- Christone "Kingfish" Ingram
- Christone Ingram
- Christopher Paul Stelling
- Chromatics
- Chrome
- Chrome Hoof
- Chron Gen
- Chronics
- Chubby And The Gang
- Chuck Berry
- Chuck E. Weiss
- Chulo
- Chumbawamba
- Church Of Misery
- Churchburn
- Cicatriz
- Ciccone Youth
- Cigar
- Cigarette Crossfire
- Cigarettes After Sex
- Cinema Eye
- Circa Survive
- Circle
- Circle Jerks
- Circle Of Animals
- Circle One
- Circuit Des Yeux
- Circus Lupus
- Cirguz
- Cisneros, Al
- Citay
- Cities
- CitiZen
- Citizen Fish
- Citizens Arrest
- Citizens Patrol
- City Of Caterpillar
- Civet
- Civil Disobence
- CJ Ramone
- Clair Cassis
- Clairmel
- Clara Mondshine
- Clara Rockmore
- Clash
- Clash, The
- Classics Of Love
- Claypool Lenon Delirium
- Clearlake
- Clearsight
- Cleveland Bound Death Sentence
- Clikatat Ikatowi
- Clinic
- Clip Beaks
- Clipping
- Clit 45
- Cloak/Dagger
- Cloakroom
- Clone
- Clorox Girls
- Close Your Eyes
- Clothespins, the
- Clouds
- Clowns
- Club Killers
- Clues
- Cluster
- Cluster And Eno
- Cluster Bomb Unit
- Clutch
- Cmx
- Coachwhips
- Coalesce
- Coathangers
- Cobra High
- Cobra Man
- Cobra Noir
- Cobra Skulls
- Cock Sparrer
- Cockney Rejects
- Coco Mosquito
- Coconuts
- Cocorosie
- Cocteau Twins
- Code 13
- Code Name Linhart
- Code Orange
- Code Orange Kids
- Codefendants
- Codeine
- Codigo Neurotico
- Coffin Storm
- Coffins
- Coffinworm
- CoH
- Coheed And Cambria
- Cohen, Leonard
- Coil
- Coil + Zos Kia + Marc Almond
- Coilguns
- Coke Bust
- Cokie The Clown
- Cola
- Cola Freaks
- Cold Cave
- Cold Cold Hearts
- Cold Hart
- Cold Leather
- Cold Shoulder
- Cold Sweat
- Cold War
- Cold World
- Coldbringer
- Coldworker
- Coleman, John Wesley
- Coleman, Ornette
- Colin Stetson And Sarah Neufeld
- Coliseum
- Collapse
- Collecting Vinyl
- Collins, Paul
- Colossal Yes
- Coltrane, Alice
- Coltrane, John
- Columna
- Columns
- Coma
- Coma Lilies
- Combat Wounded Veteran
- Comeback Kid
- Comet Control
- Comet Is Coming
- Comets On Fire
- Commando
- Commin Correct
- Commitment Crew
- Common Cause
- Common War
- Company
- Complain
- Complete Control
- Complete Failure
- Completed Expos
- Complications
- Complicators, The
- Comus
- Conan
- Concrete Elite
- Concrete Sox
- Condemned To Death
- Confessor
- Conflict
- Confuse
- Conga Fury
- Connoisseur
- Conor Oberst
- Conquest For Death
- Consolidated
- Consolidation Prize
- Constant Elevation
- Constant Fear
- Constantines
- Consumer
- Consumers, The
- Contact
- Contemporary Noise Sextet
- Contrast Attitude
- Contravene
- Control
- Controllers
- Converge
- Conversions
- Convict
- Convocation Of
- Convulse
- Cooke, Sam
- Cookie The Clown
- Coppola, Imani
- Copyrights
- Coriky
- Corin Tucker Band
- Corpus Christi
- Corrections House
- Corrective Measure
- Correcto
- Corrosion Of Conformity
- Corrupted
- Cortinas, the
- Cory Branan
- Cory Hanson
- Cory Thomas Hanson
- Cosmetics
- Cosmic Invention
- Cosmic Psychos
- Cosmonauts
- Costello, Elvis
- Cough
- Council Of Rats
- Count Five
- Count Me Out
- Count The Stars
- Countdown
- Countdown To Armageddon
- Countdown To Life
- Countdown To Oblivion
- Counterblast
- Counterparts
- Countervail
- Court Martial
- Courtney Barnett
- Cower
- Crack
- Crack Cloud
- Cradle Of Filth
- Craft
- Craft Spells
- Crainium
- Cramps
- Cranked Up!
- Crash Romeo
- Crashed Out
- Crass
- Crawl Space
- Crazy
- Crazy Arm
- Crazy Dreams Band
- Cream
- Cream Abdul Babar
- Creative Adult
- Creedence Clearwater Revival
- Creep Division
- Creep Show
- Creeping Nobodies
- Creepout
- Creepshow
- Creepy Creeps
- Cress
- Cretins
- Crevasse / V0NT
- Crevecoeur
- Crim
- Crime
- Crime And The City Solution
- Crime Desire
- Crime In Choir
- Crime In Stereo
- Criminal Code
- Criminal Damage
- Criminal Element
- Criminal Instinct
- Criminal Outfit
- Criminals, The
- Crimpshrine
- Crimson Curse
- Cripple Bastards
- Crippled Black Phoenix
- Crippled Youth
- Cro-mags
- Crock
- Crom
- Cromagnon
- Cross Control
- Cross Me
- Cross Stitched Eyes
- Crosstops
- Crover, Dale
- Crow
- Crow Killer
- Crowbar
- Crowd
- Crown Of Thornz
- Crown, The
- Crownhate Ruin
- Crows-An-Wra
- Crows-An-Wra
- Crowskin
- Crucial Section
- Crucial Unit
- Crucial Youth
- Crucified Morals
- Crucified Mortals
- Crucifix
- Crucixix
- Crude
- Crude Ss
- Cruel Hand
- Crumbsuckers
- Crusades
- Crush
- Crux
- Cry, The
- Crypt Rot
- Cryptasize
- Cryptic Slaughter
- Cryptopsy
- Crypts
- Crystal Antlers
- Crystal Fairy
- Crystal Fighters
- Crystal Stilts
- Cthonic Aura
- Cult
- Cult Leader
- Cult Of Fire
- Cult Of Luna
- Cult Of Occult
- Cult Of Youth
- Cult Values
- Culture
- Culture Abuse
- Culture Shock
- Cuntroaches
- Cunts
- Cupid & Psyche
- Cure
- Cure The
- Curious Digit
- Curl Up And Die
- Current
- Current 93
- Cursed
- Cursive
- Curtain Rail
- Curtains
- Curtis Harding
- Curtis, King
- Custom Fit
- Cut City
- Cut The Shit
- Cute Lepers
- Cuts
- Cutthroat LA
- Cutting Through
- Cuzo
- Cwill
- Cyanide
- Cyanide Pills
- Cymande
- Cynarae
- Cyness
- Cynics, The
- Cypress Hill
- D-Composers
- D.C. Disorder
- D.f.a.
- D.I.
- D.I.S.
- D.O.A.
- D.o.a. + Jello Biafra
- D.R.I.
- D.s. 13
- D.S.B.
- Dad Brains
- Dad Punchers
- Dads
- Daerrwin
- Daft Punk
- Dag Nasty
- Daily Ritual
- Daisy Chainsaw
- Daitro
- Dale Cooper Quartet
- Dalek
- Dalek + Kid 606
- Dalek + Oddatee + Destructo Swarmbots
- Damad
- Damage Case
- Damage Control
- Damage Deposit
- Damaged Bug
- Damages
- Damien Jurado
- Damion Circle & The Luxenboys
- Damnation AD
- Damned, The
- Damsel
- Dan Melchior
- Dan Melchior Und Das Menace
- Dan Sartain
- Danava
- Dance Disaster Movement
- Dance Of Days
- Dangerous Rhythm
- Dangers
- Daniel Davies
- Daniel Spaleniak
- Danielson
- Danielson Famile
- Danko Jones
- Danny And The Darleans
- Danse Society
- Dansetten
- Danzig
- Dare
- Dare Diablo
- Daria
- Dark Angel
- Dark Blue
- Dark Buddha Rising
- Dark Circles
- Dark Skies
- Dark Throne
- Darkbuster
- Darkest Hour
- Darkness
- Darkside
- Darkthrone
- Darts, the
- Das Ende
- Das Oath
- Dasher
- Datura4
- Daughn Gibson
- Daughters
- Dave Brown
- Dave Hause
- Dave Lombardo
- David Byrne
- David Byrne & St. Vincent
- David Byrne and Brian Eno
- David Eugene Edwards
- David Grubbs
- David Grubbs + Mats Gustafsson
- David Novick
- David Vandervelde
- David Yow
- Davie Allan
- Davila 666
- Davis, Betty
- Davová Psychoza
- Day Of Mourning
- Day Wave
- Daybreak
- Dayglo Abortions
- Daylight Robbery
- Daylle Deanna Schwartz
- Daymare
- Days N' Daze
- Dcoi
- De Cylinders
- De Facto
- De Hoje Haele
- De Rosa
- Dead
- Dead And Gone
- Dead Bars
- Dead Boys
- Dead Can Dance
- Dead Child
- Dead Cross
- Dead End 5
- Dead End America
- Dead End Path
- Dead Ending
- Dead Fucking Last
- Dead Ghosts
- Dead Hearts
- Dead Heat
- Dead Hero
- Dead Horse
- Dead In The Dirt
- Dead In The Manger
- Dead Kennedys
- Dead Language
- Dead Meadow
- Dead Moon
- Dead Ones
- Dead People
- Dead Rider
- Dead Science
- Dead Swans
- Dead To A Dying World
- Dead To Fall
- Dead To Me
- Dead Weather
- Dead Weight
- Dead Western
- Deadbeats, The
- Deadfall
- Deadguy
- Deadline
- Deadlock
- Deadly Snakes
- Deadman
- Deadmask
- Deadsoil
- Deadwood Divine
- Deaf Club
- Deaf Kids
- Deaf Wish
- Deafheaven
- Deafness By Noise
- Dean Blunt
- Dear Landlord
- Deardarkhead
- Death
- Death (2)
- Death Before Disco
- Death Before Dishonor
- Death Bells
- Death By Stereo
- Death Cab For Cutie
- Death Dealers
- Death Hymn Number 9
- Death Index
- Death Injection
- Death March
- Death Of Anna Karina
- Death Of Lovers
- Death Or Glory
- Death Penalty
- Death Side
- Death Ss
- Death Threat
- Death Valley Girls
- Death Vessel
- Death With A Dagger
- Deathbed
- Deathbound
- Deathcage
- Deathfix
- Deathraid
- Deathreat
- Deathrite
- Deathtrip
- Deathtrip, The
- Deathwish
- Debby Friday
- Debt Offensive Records
- Debustrol
- Decahedron
- Decapitated
- Deceased
- Decemberists
- Decibully
- Decline
- Decontrol
- Decrepitaph
- Decultivate
- Dee Dee Ramone I.C.L.C.
- DeeCracks
- Deep Purple
- Deep Sleep
- Deerhoof
- Deerhunter
- Defeater
- Defect Defect
- Defiance
- Defiance, Ohio
- Deformed Conscience
- Dehumanized
- Deicide
- Del Aires
- DELETE Septic Death
- Deletions
- Delicate Steve
- Deliriant Nerve
- Deliver
- Delta 5
- Delta 72
- Delusion
- Delvon Lamarr Organ Trio
- Demented Are Go
- Demolition
- Demolition Doll Rods
- Demon Head
- Demon's Claws
- Den Of Thieves
- Denali
- Denison Witmer
- Deniz Tek
- Dep + Mike Patton
- Department Of Correction
- Departure Lounge
- Departures
- Depeche Mode
- Depression
- Depressions
- Depressive State
- Deprived
- Derek Raymond
- Deride
- Des Ark
- Des Demonas
- Desaparecidos
- Descendents
- Desolation
- Desolation Wilderness
- Despise
- Despise You
- Despite
- Dessner, Bryce & Kronos Quartet
- Destinity
- Destroy
- Destroy All Monsters
- Destroy Boys
- Destroy L.a.
- Destroyed In Seconds
- Destroyer
- Destrucktions
- Destruct
- Destruction
- Destruction Unit
- Destructors
- Detestation
- Deth Crux
- Detroit Cobras
- dEUS
- Devendra Banhart
- Deviants
- Deviated Instinct
- Devil Master
- Devil Wears Prada
- Devil's Brigade
- Devo
- Devoid Of Faith
- Devotchka
- Devotchkas
- Devotionals
- Dezafra Ridge
- Dezerter
- Dezinfekce
- Diabolical Masquerade
- Diagonah
- Diamanda Galas
- Diat
- Dick Diver
- Dick Spikie
- Dickies
- Dicks
- Dictators
- Die Hunns
- Die Kreuzen
- Die Nerven
- Die Princess Die
- Digger Barnes
- Dillinger Escape Plan
- Dillinger Four
- Dillon, Sandy
- Dilly Dally
- Dils
- Dime Runner
- Ding-Dongs, The
- Dinner
- Dinosaur Jr.
- Dio
- Dioramic
- Direct Control
- Direct Hit!
- Dirt
- Dirtbombs
- Dirty Faces
- Dirty Money
- Dirty Nil, The
- Dirty Power Game
- Dirty Projectors
- Dirty Streets
- Dirty Three
- Disappears
- Disarm
- Disaster Strikes
- Disavow
- Discard
- Discarga
- Discharge
- Dischords
- Discipline
- Disclose
- Discomfort
- Discordance Axis
- Discourse
- Discovery
- Discrepancy
- Disembodied
- Disembowelment
- Disengage
- Disfear
- Disgorge
- Disgrace
- Disgusting Lies
- Diskonto
- Disma
- Dismember
- Dismemberment Plan
- Disorder
- Disrupt
- Dissekerad
- Distance
- Distance, The
- Distillers
- Divers
- Divide and Dissolve
- Dividing Line
- Divine Horsemen
- Division Of Laura Lee
- Division Of Mind
- Dluhy
- DM3
- Dmonstrations
- Do Make Say Think
- Do Or Die
- Doc
- Dodeskaden
- Dødheimsgard
- Dodsdom
- Dödsrit
- Dog Faced Hermans
- Dogs
- Dogs On Acid
- Dogsflesh
- Doiron, Julie
- Doiron, Julie And The Wooden Stars
- Doldrey
- Doldrums
- Dolly Parton
- Dominic
- Dommengang
- Don Caballero
- Don't
- Don't No
- Don't Sleep
- Done Dying
- Donkeys
- Donnas
- Dont Mess With Texas
- Doom
- Doomdogs
- Doomriders
- Doomsquad
- Doors
- Dope Body
- Dopelord
- Doria, Kevin
- Dorks
- Dosh
- Double, The
- Doug & The Slugz
- Down But Not Out
- Down By Law
- Down In Flames
- Down To Agony
- Down To Nothing
- Downcast
- Downfall
- Downfall Of Gaia
- Downfall Of Nur
- Downliners Sect
- Downpresser
- Downslide
- Downtown Boys
- Downtown Struts
- Dr Calypso
- Dr Know
- Dr Ring Ding And Senior All Stars
- Dr. Know
- Drab Majesty
- Draft
- Drag The River
- Dragamine
- Dragon Rapide
- Drahla
- Drain
- Drain The Sky
- Drainland
- Drakulas
- Draw Blood
- Drcarlsonalbion
- Dream Death
- Dream Police
- Dream Ritual
- Dream Syndicate
- Dreamless Veil
- Dresden
- Drew McDowall
- Drift
- Driller Killer
- Drinks
- Drive Like Jehu
- Drive-By Truckers
- Drones, The
- Dropdead
- Dropkick Murphys
- Drowning Man
- Drowning With Our Anchors
- Drowns, The
- Drowse
- Drug Church
- Drug Control
- Drums
- Drunk
- Drunk Horse
- Dry Cleaning
- Dry Spell
- Duane Peters And The Huns
- Duane Peters Gunfight
- Dub Narcotic Sound System
- Dub Trio
- Dudman
- Dulac
- Dum Dum Girls
- Dumb Numbers
- Dumbstruck
- Dummy
- Dune Rats
- Dunn With Lords And Lady Kevin
- Dunn, Randall
- Duran Duran
- Duster
- Dusty Skull
- Dwarr
- Dwarves
- Dying Fetus
- Dylan Carlson
- Dylan, Bob
- Dysrhythmia
- Dystopia
- E
- E.d. Sedgwick
- E.t.a.
- Eagle Twin
- Eagles Of Death Metal
- Eagulls
- Earache Records
- Early Day Miners
- Early Graves
- Early Moods
- Earth
- Earth Crisis
- Earth Dies Burning
- Eartheater
- Earthless
- Earthless Meets Heavy Blanket
- Earthride
- Earthship
- East India Youth
- East West Blast Test
- Eastlink
- Eat Skull
- Eat The
- Eater
- Ebenezer & The Bludgeons
- Echthros
- Econochrist
- Ecostrike
- Eddie And The Hot Rods
- Eddie And The Subtitles
- Eddy Current Suppression Lung
- Eddy Current Suppression Ring
- Edge Of Spirit
- Edie Sedgwick
- Editors
- Eels
- Eerie
- Effects, The
- Effluxus
- Efterklang
- Egg Hunt
- Egypt
- Eibon
- Eight Bells
- Eighteen Vision
- Einstuerzende Neubauten
- Einsturzende Neubauten
- Ejected
- Ekulu
- El Guapo
- El Ten Eleven
- El Vy
- Elder
- Eldopa
- Electric Chair
- Electric Chairs
- Electric Citizen
- Electric Eels
- Electric Frankenstein
- Electric Funeral
- Electric Light Orchestra
- Electric Prunes
- Electric Wizard
- Electric Youth
- Electro Hippies
- Elektro Guzzi
- Elfin Saddle
- Elizabeth A Vajagic
- Elizabeth Colour Wheel
- Ella Fitzgerald
- Elliot Sharp
- Elliott
- Elliott Smith
- Ellwood
- Eluvium
- Elvis Presley
- Embalming Theatre
- Embers
- Embrace
- Embrace Today
- Emerald Web
- Emerson, Lake & Palmer
- Emil Amos
- Emmure
- Emmy The Great
- Emperor
- Empire Of Rats
- Enabler
- Enablers
- Enamorados
- Encono
- End It
- End Of A Year
- End Reign
- End To End
- End, The
- Endeavor
- Endicott
- Endless Blockade
- Endless Bummer
- Endless Column
- Endon
- Endorphins Lost
- Endstand
- Enemy Soil
- Energy
- Enforcer
- Engine Down
- English Dogs
- Enisum
- Enkindles
- Eno
- Enon
- Enough
- Ensemble Economique
- Ensemble Pearl
- Enslaved
- Enth
- Enthroned
- Entombed
- Entrails Massacre
- Entrance
- Entry
- Envy
- Epic Problem
- Epoxies
- Erase Errata
- Erasehead
- Erasure
- Ergs, The
- Eric Chenaux
- Erickson, Roky
- Erickson, Roky & Explosives
- Erickson, Roky & The Aliens
- Erika Rein
- Errortype Eleven
- Esazlesa
- Esben And The Witch
- ESC Life
- Escape From The Zoo
- Escape-Ism
- Eskoburto
- Eskorbuto
- Esmerine
- Esoteric
- Espasmodicos
- Espers
- Essenz
- Estranged
- Eternal Sleep
- Etran de L´Air
- Eugen Hutz
- Eugene S. Robinsson
- Eulcid
- Eulogy
- Evacuate
- Evangelist
- Evangelista
- Evans, Bill
- Even Worse
- Evens (The)
- Evergreen
- Every Time I Die
- Evidence Smrti
- Evil Conduct
- Evile
- Evoken
- Ewa Braun
- Ex Hex
- Ex-Cult
- Ex, The
- Ex, The With Tom Cora
- Excel
- Exciter
- Exciters, the
- Exclaim
- Excruciating Terror
- Execute
- Executioner
- Executioner's Mask
- Exek
- Exhale
- Exhaust
- Exhumed
- Exil
- Exit Group
- Exit-Stance
- Exitmusic
- Exmagician
- Exodus
- Exorcizphobia
- Expire
- Exploded View
- Exploding Hearts
- Exploited
- Explosion
- Explosions In The Sky
- Explosions In The Sky & David Wingo
- Explosives
- Expulsion
- Extinction Of Mankind
- Extortion
- Extreme Noise Terror
- Extremity
- Exulansis
- Eye
- Eye Flys
- Eye For An Eye
- Eye Of Judgement
- Eyeball
- Eyehategod
- Eyelid
- Eyes
- Eyes Of The Lord
- Ezra Furman
- F.P.O.
- F.U.'s
- F.U.B.A.R.
- Face Down In Shit
- Face Reality
- Face The Enemy
- Face To Face
- Facedowninshit
- Faction
- Fading Out
- Failures
- Faint
- Fairweather
- Faith
- Faith No More
- Fake Names
- Fake Problems
- Fakes
- Fakofbolan
- Falcon 5
- Falcon Five
- Fall
- Fall Of Efrafa
- Fall Of The Bastards
- Fall Of Troy
- Fall Out Boy
- Fall Silent
- Fall, The
- Fallas Del Sistema
- Falling Forward
- Falling In Reverse
- False Confession
- Family
- Fantomas
- Fantomas + Melvins
- Far Left Limit
- Faraquet
- Farmers Market
- Farside
- Fartz
- Fashion Club
- Fast Asleep
- Fast Forward
- Fastbacks
- Fasts
- Fat Mike
- Fata Morgana
- Father John Misty
- Father Murphy
- Fatso Jetson
- Faust
- Faye Webster
- Fear
- Fear Before The March
- Fear My Thoughts
- Fearing
- Federation X
- Federico Albanese
- Feeders
- Feederz
- Feedtime
- Feelies
- Feels
- Feet First
- Fell To Low
- Fell Too Low
- Fell Voices
- Fenriz' Red Planet
- Feral Ohms
- Ferret Records
- Festival Of Dead Deer
- Fetus Eaters
- Feu Therese
- Fever Ray
- Fiddlehead
- Field Of Flames
- Field Rotation
- Fifi And The Mach III
- Figgs, The
- Fight Paris
- Fight, the
- Figures Of Light
- Filaments, The
- Filip Fuchs
- Filter
- Filth
- Filthkick
- Filthy Thieving Bastards
- Filtz Of Depression
- Fin Fang Foom
- Final
- Final Club
- Final Conflict
- Final Draft
- Final Fight
- Final Light
- Final Prayer
- Final Warning
- Finger
- Fiona Brice
- Fire & Ice
- Fire And Ice
- Fire Party
- Firebird
- Fireburn
- Fireman
- Fireside
- Firewater
- First Blood
- First Step
- First Times
- Fisticuffs Bluff
- Fistula
- Fit For Abuse
- Fitz Of Depression
- Five Victims Four Graves
- Fix, The
- Fiya
- Fjort
- FKA Twigs
- Fku
- Flag of Democracy
- Flagitious Idiosyncrasy
- Flake Music
- Flamin' Groovies
- Flaming Lips
- Flat Duo Jets
- Flat Earth Society
- Flat Worms
- Flatfoot 56
- Flatliners
- Fleas And Lice
- Fleet Foxes
- Fleetwood Mac
- Flesh Eaters
- Flesh World
- Flesh, The
- Fleshies
- Fleshpress
- Fleshtones
- Fleshtones, The
- Fleurety
- Flex, the
- Flipper
- Floex
- Flogging Molly
- Floor
- Floorpunch
- Flores Y Fuego
- Flowers For Whores
- Flowers Of Evil
- Fluke
- Flux Of Pink Indians
- Fly Pan Am
- FM Knives
- Fm359
- Foals
- Focusedxminds
- Foetus
- Fogg
- Fogh Depot
- Folk Implosion
- Föllakzoid
- Fondas
- Fondlecorpse
- Fontaines D.C.
- Fontanelle
- Foo Fighters
- For Carnation
- For The Living
- For The Worse
- Forca Macabra
- Force Of Change
- Forced Order
- Forecast
- Foreign Born
- Foreign Legion
- Foreign Tongues
- Foreseen
- Forests Of Old
- Forgetters
- Forgotten
- Forn
- Forward
- Forward To Death
- Fossils
- Fotbal
- Fotocrime
- Foundation
- Four Hundred Years
- Four Tet
- Fox Face
- Foxwarren
- Foxygen
- Fractured
- Fragment
- Frail Body
- Frames
- Frameworks
- Framtid
- France
- Frank Zappa
- Frankie & The Heartstrings
- Frankie Cosmos
- Franklin, Aretha
- František Skála
- Frantix
- Franz Ferdinand
- Franz Kirmann
- Freak Accident
- Freaks
- Frecuencia De Muerte
- Fredag Den 13
- Freedom
- Freedom Band
- Freewill
- Freeze
- Freeze, The
- Freiburg
- French Toast
- Frenzal Rhomb
- Fresh
- Fresh & Onlys
- Freya
- Frida Hyvonen
- Fridge
- Friend Or Foe
- Friendship
- Frisk
- Frodus
- From Ashes Rise
- From Autumn To Ashes
- From Here On
- From Monument To Masses
- Front 242
- Frontier(s)
- Frontkick
- Frost
- Fruit Bats
- Frusciante, John
- Frustration
- Fu Manchu
- Fuck Buttons
- Fuck Geez
- Fuck It I Quit!
- Fuck It I Quit!
- Fuck On The Beach
- Fuck The Facts
- Fuck You Is My Name
- Fuck You Pay Me
- Fuck-Ups
- Fucked Up
- Fucking Am
- Fucking Champs
- Fucking Wrath
- Fudge
- Fudge Tunel
- Fudge Tunnel
- Fuel
- Fugazi
- Fugazi Photographs
- Fujislav
- Full Blown Chaos
- Full Of Hell
- Full Speed Ahead
- Fuming Mouth
- Funeral Dress
- Funeral For A Friend
- Funeral Pyre
- Funeral Shock
- Funerary
- Further Seems Forever
- Fury
- Fuse
- Future Fables
- Future Islands
- Future Punx
- Future Ruins
- Fuzz
- Fuzz, The
- Fuzztones
- Fvck_kvlt
- Fvtvre
- Fy Fan
- G.B.H.
- G.F.P.
- G.i.s.m.
- G3
- Gadget
- Gag
- Gaggers
- Gainsbourg, Serge
- Galena
- Gallon Drunk
- Gallows
- Gama Bomb
- Gameface
- Gang Gang Dance
- Gang Green
- Gang Of Four
- Gantry, Chris
- Gap Dream
- Garage Rattlesnakes
- Garden Of Worm
- Garden, The
- Gareth Liddiard
- Garrison
- Garwood, Duke
- Gary Numan
- Gary War
- Gas Huffer
- Gaslight Anthem
- Gastr Del Sol
- Gatecreeper
- Gates Of Slumber
- Gateway District, The
- Gathering
- Gatorface
- Gattaca
- Gauze
- Gayngs
- Gaz 66 Intrusion
- Gaza
- Gears
- Gehenna
- Gel
- Geld
- Genepool
- Generacion Suicida
- General Patton + X-ecution
- Generation X
- Generators, The
- Genghis Tron
- Genöcide
- Genocide Pact
- Genocide Ss
- Gentleman Jesse
- Gentleman Jesse & His Men
- Geoff Farina
- George Harrison
- Geriatric Unit
- Germ Attak
- Germ Bomb
- Germs
- Gersch
- Get Dead
- Get Down
- Get Hustle
- Get Rad
- Get The Most
- Get Up Kids
- Getting The Fear
- Gevurah
- Geza X
- GG Allin
- Ghaust
- Ghost
- Ghost Inside
- Ghost Of Wem
- GhosteMane
- Ghostlimb
- Ghoul
- Ghoulies
- Gibbons, Beth
- Gil Scott-Heron
- Giles
- Giles Corey
- Gillespie, Dizzy
- Gimp Fist
- Ginger Wizard
- Gira
- Gira, Michael
- Giraffes? Giraffes!
- Girl Band
- Girl Tears
- Girl Trouble
- Girlie And Laurel Aitken
- Girlpool
- Girls
- Girls Against Boys
- Gisaza
- Gist, The
- Git Some
- Gits
- Giuda
- Give
- Give Up The Ghost
- Glaas
- Glass And Ashes
- Glasses
- Glaxo Babies
- Glen E. Friedman
- Glen Hansard And Marketa Irglova
- Glenn Branca
- Glenn Danzig
- Glitterer
- Global Holocaust
- Gloriol Belli
- Glory
- Gloryholes
- Glorytellers
- Glös
- Gloss
- Gluecifer
- Gnaw
- Go Deep
- Go It Alone
- Go-betweens
- Go!
- Goatess
- Goatsnake
- God Forbid
- God Help The Girl
- God's America
- God's Hate
- Godcollider
- Goddamn Gallows, The
- Godflesh
- Godheadsilo
- Godspeed You! Black Emperor
- Godstomper
- Godthrymm
- Goggs
- Gogogo Airheart
- Gogol Bordello
- Gojira
- Gold
- Gold Cage
- Golddust
- Golden
- Golden Grass
- Golden Pelicans
- Golden Spine
- Golden Triangle
- Golden Void
- Goldfrapp
- Golers
- Golpe
- Gonga
- Gonzalez, Jose
- Good Clean Fun
- Good For You
- Good Luck
- Good Ones, the
- Good Riddance
- Goodnight Loving
- Goodtime Boys
- Goolagoon
- Goon Moon
- Gordon, Kim
- Gore
- Gore Gore Girls
- Gore, Martin
- Gorilla Angreb
- Gorilla Biscuits
- Gorillaz
- Gospel
- Gospel Of The Future
- Gossip
- Gothic Industrial Nosferatu
- Gotobeds
- Gouge Away
- Government Issue
- Government Warning
- Grabass Charlestons
- Gracer
- Grade
- Grade 2
- Grade Grubbers
- Grady
- Grails
- Grampal Jookabox
- Grand Archives
- Grand Magus
- Grande Cobra
- Grant Hart
- Grant, John
- Grass Widow
- Grave Babies
- Grave Maker
- Grave Miasma
- Grave Temple
- Grave Walks, The
- Gravedigger V
- GravelRoad
- Gravemaker
- Graves At Sea
- Gravetemple
- Graveyard
- Gravy Train!!!
- Gray Matter
- Gray, Nathan
- Grayceon
- Graywave
- Great Collapse
- Great Deceiver
- Green Beret
- Green Day
- Green River
- Greene, Al
- Greg Coates
- Greg Fox
- Greg Graffin
- Greg Haines
- Gregor Barnett
- Gregor Samsa
- Grey
- Grey Area
- Grey Skies Fallen
- Greyhouse
- Greymachine
- Grian Chatten
- Gride
- Gridlink
- Grief
- Grim Tower
- Grim Van Doom
- Grim Van Doom
- Grimes
- Grinder
- Grinderman
- Grizzly Bear
- Groovie Ghoulies
- Ground Unicorn Horn
- Groundwork
- Grouper
- Growing
- Growing Stronger
- Gruesome
- Gruesome Stuff Relish
- Grunge Book
- Guana Batz
- Guantanamo Baywatch
- Guantanamo Party Program
- Guapo
- guccihighwaters
- Guided By Voices
- Guided Cradle
- Guit Of
- Gum Outfit
- Gun Called Tension
- Gun Club
- Gun Outfit
- Gunmoll
- Gunn, Steve
- Guns 'N' Wankers
- Guns N' Roses
- Guns Up!
- Gust
- Gutter Twins
- Guttersnippe
- Guyana Punch Line
- Gypsy
- H2o
- Hacienda
- Hacienda Us
- Hacke, Alex
- Hackedepicciotto
- Hacksaw
- Haelos
- Haemorrhage
- Haggatha
- Hail Of Rage
- Hail Social
- Half Church
- Half Japanese
- Half Waif
- Half-handed Cloud
- Hallowed Butchery
- Halo Benders, The
- Halshug
- Hamerkop
- Hammer
- Hammered Hulls
- Hammerhead
- Hanba
- Hanba (PL)
- Hands Of God
- Hands Tied
- Handsome
- Handsome Furs
- Hanged Up
- Hangman
- Hank IV
- Hanna Hirsch
- Hansard, Glen
- Hanson Brothers
- Happy Birthday
- Haram
- Hard Art
- Hard Evidence
- Hard Skin
- Hard Stance
- Hard Times
- Hard-Ons
- Harda Tider
- Härda Ut
- Hardside
- Harm Wulf
- Harmonica Blues
- Harms Way
- Harper, Ben
- Harrington Saints
- Harsh Toke
- Harum Scarum
- Harvestman
- Harvey Milk
- Harvey, Mick
- Harvey, P.j.
- Hash Redactor
- Hassler
- Hat Trickers
- Hate Force
- Hatebreed
- Hated
- Hatemail Killerz
- Hatred
- Hatred Surge
- Haunted
- Haunted George
- Haunted Hearts
- Haunter
- Have A Nice Life
- Have Heart
- Havoc
- Hawks And Doves
- Hawkwind
- Hawnay Troof
- Hawthorne Heights
- Haxan Cloak
- Haymaker
- Hc. Minds
- Hdq
- Headdress
- Headfirst
- Health Hazard
- Heartaches
- Heartbreak Motel
- Heartbreaker
- Heartburns
- Heartless
- Hearts Of Darkness
- Heat
- Heat Dust
- Heatmiser
- Heatseeker
- Heaven In Her Arms
- Heaven Shall Burn
- Heavens Club
- Heavens To Betsy
- Heavy Discipline
- Heavy Heavy Low Low
- Heavy Metal
- Heavy Times
- Heavy Trash
- Heavyhex
- Hecker, Tim
- Heiress
- Heirs
- Helen Money
- Helene Smith
- Helio Sequence
- Hell Bent
- Hell Darkness
- Hell Division
- Hell Fire
- Hell Is For Heroes
- Hell Within
- Hell's Kitchen
- Hella
- Hellacopters
- Hellbastard
- Hellbent
- Hellchild
- Hellhammer
- Hellkrusher
- Hellnation
- Helloween
- Hellripper
- Hells Bomber
- Hellshock
- Helm
- Helmet
- Helms Alee
- Helpless
- Helta Skelta
- Hendrix, Jimi Experience
- Hendrix, Jimmi
- Henry Cow
- Henry Rollins And Mother Superior
- Hentchmen
- Her Name Is Calla
- Herbie Hancock
- Here We Go Magic
- Heresy
- Heriot
- Hermano
- Hero Destroyed
- Hero Dishonest
- Heroin
- Heron Oblivion
- Herrensex
- Hesination Wounds
- Hesitation Wounds
- Hessian
- Hever
- Hex Bombs
- Hex Bombs, The
- Hexa
- Hexis
- Hexvessel
- Hi Standard
- Hibernation
- Hidden Masters
- Hide
- Hierophant
- Higgs, Daniel
- High And The Mighty
- High Black Chairs
- High Command
- High Dive
- High On Crime
- High On Fire
- High Places
- High Tension Wires
- High Vis
- Higher Power
- Highness
- Hilary Woods
- Hillary Woods
- Himsa
- Hint Hint
- Hippie Chippies
- Hippies Of Today
- Hirax
- His Electro Blue Voice
- His Hero Is Gone
- Hiss Tracts
- Hissing
- Hit Me Back
- Hive Destruct
- Hives, The
- Hjertestop
- Hlinomaz
- Hoax
- Hoaxed
- Hole
- Holier Than Thou?
- Hollis Brown
- Hollow Earth
- Hollow Points
- Holly Herndon
- Holly, Miranda
- Hollywood
- Hollywoodfun Downstairs
- Holocaust
- Hologram
- Holograms
- Holter, Julia
- Holy
- Holy Fuck
- Holy Kings
- Holy Land
- Holy Mess
- Holy Molar
- Holy Motors
- Holy Mountain
- Holy Sons
- Holy Tongues
- Homewrecker
- Homomilitia
- Homostupids
- Honeymoon Killers
- Hood
- Hooded Menace
- Hoods
- Hooker, John Lee
- Hoover
- Hope Conspiracy
- Hopes
- Hopesfall
- Hopewell
- Hopkins, Jon
- Horisont
- Horn Of The Rhino
- Horns Of Happiness
- Horrible Crowes
- Horror
- Horror Show
- Horror Vacui
- Horrorpops
- Horrors, The
- Horse Feathers
- Horse Latitudes
- Horseback
- Hospitals
- Hot Chip
- Hot Cross
- Hot Hot Heat
- Hot Lunch
- Hot Snakes
- Hot Water Music
- Hounds Of Hate
- Hour Of 13
- Howard, Rowland S.
- Howl
- Howler
- Howlin Wolf
- Howling Giant
- Howling Hex
- Hr
- Hrdinové Nové Fronty
- Hrsta
- Hrvst
- Huggy Bear
- Hugo Montenegro
- Hugo Race
- Hugo Race & The True Spirit
- Hugo Race Fatalists
- Huguenots
- Hulder
- Human
- Human Expression
- Human Eye
- Human Greed
- Human Impact
- Human Remains
- Human Robots
- Hummingbird Of Death
- Hunches
- Hundredth
- Hunt, The
- Hunting Lions
- Hunx
- Hunx & His Punx
- Hunx And His Punx
- Hurtado, Marc
- Hurula
- Husker Du
- Husky
- Hyacinth
- Hyäne
- Hydras Dream
- Hypnose
- Hypnosonics
- Hypstrz
- Hysterese
- J Church
- J Mascis
- J. Robbins
- J.F.A.
- Jack And The Rippers
- Jack Lee
- Jack Meatbeat & The U.G.S.
- Jack O'fire
- Jack Oblivian
- Jack-o And The Tennessee Tearjerkers
- Jacksass
- Jackson Sisters
- Jackson, Wanda
- Jaco Pastorius
- Jacobites
- Jaga Jazzist
- Jaguar Love
- Jai-alai Savant
- Jaill
- Jakub Šimanský / Tomáš Niesner
- Jam, The
- Jambinai
- James Brandon Lewis Trio
- James Etta
- James Johnston
- James Leg
- Jamie XX
- Jan Kinčl & Regis Kattie
- Jan Tomáš
- Janes Addiction
- Janis Joplin
- Japandroids
- Japanese Breakfast
- Japanther
- Jara
- Jarboe
- Jarboe and Helen Money
- Jarmusch, Jim & Jozef Van Wissem
- Jason Isbell
- Jason Loewenstein
- Jateční ulice
- Jawbox
- Jawbreaker
- Jay Reatard
- Jaye Jayle
- Jazz June
- Jed Whitey
- Jeff Buckley
- Jeff Cowell
- Jeff Klein
- Jeff Rowe
- Jeff Tweedy
- Jefferson Airplane
- Jeffrey Lee Pierce
- Jello Biafra + D.o.a.
- Jello Biafra + Melvins
- Jello Biafra + Mojo Nixon
- Jello Biafra + Nomeansno
- Jello Biafra And The Guantanamo
- Jello Biafra And The New Orleans Raunch Soul All Stars
- Jem Cohen
- Jenkins, Mark
- Jenny Hoyston
- Jenny Hval
- Jenny Piccolo
- Jeremy And The Harlequins
- Jeremy Enigk
- Jeremy Ivey And The Extraterrestrials
- Jeromes Dream
- Jerrys Kids
- Jerusalem In My Heart
- Jesca Hoop
- Jess And The Ancient Ones
- Jesse Malin
- Jesse Sykes
- Jessica Moss
- Jesu
- Jesus And Mary Chain
- Jesus Lizard
- Jesus Piece
- Jesuseater
- Jets To Brazil
- Jett, Joan
- Jetz
- Jex Thoth
- Jim O'Rourke
- Jim Ruland
- Jimbo Mathus
- Jimi Hendrix Experience
- Jimmy Eat World
- Jingo De Lunch
- Jo Squillo Eletrix
- Joan As Police Woman
- Joan Of Arc
- Joanna Newsom
- Job For A Cowboy
- Jodis
- Joe Cain & His Orchestra
- Joe Lally
- Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros
- Joel Grind
- Joey Cape - Tony Sly
- Joey Cape And Tony Sly
- Johannson, Scarlett And Yorn, Peter
- Jóhannsson, Jóhann
- John Andrews & The Yawns
- John Brown's Army
- John Carpenter
- John Coltrane Quartet
- John Coltrane Quartet, The
- John Congleton and the Nighty Nite
- John Dwyer
- John Henry West
- John K. Samson
- John Lemke
- John Lennon
- John Ondolo
- John Prine
- John The Conqueror
- John Zorn
- John´s Children
- Johnny Angel
- Johnny Cash
- Johnny Moped
- Johnny Otis Show
- Johnson, Robert
- Jolie Holland & The Grand Chandeliers
- Jon Samson
- Jon Spencer
- Jon Spencer Blues Explosion
- Jonathan Rice
- Jonathan Richman & The Modern Lovers
- Joneses
- Jonsi
- Jookabox
- Josh T. Pearson
- Joy
- Joy Division
- Joyce Manor
- Jozef Van Wissem
- Jr Ewing
- Jucifer
- Judas Factor
- Judas Priest
- Judge
- Judge Dread
- Judiciary
- Juggling Jugulars
- Juice
- Juice Normaali
- Jukebox Romantics, The
- Julia
- Julia Jacklin
- Julie Christmas
- Julie Ruin
- June Of 44
- Jungbluth
- Junior Boys
- Junior Bruce
- Junip
- Junius
- Jussi Lehtisalo
- Just A Fire
- Just For Being
- Just Mustard
- Justice League
- Justified Defiance
- Justin Courtney Pierre
- Justin Pearson
- Justin Sane
- L.E.S. Stiches
- L.O.T.I.O.N.
- L.O.T.I.O.N. Multinational Corporation
- L'acephale
- L7
- La Dispute
- La Fraction
- La Quiete
- La Urrs
- Labradford
- Lack
- Lack Of Interest
- Ladies
- Lady Gaga
- Ladyhawk
- Lafayette Afro Rock Band
- Lagwagon
- Lahar
- Laibach
- Laika And The Cosmonauts
- Lair Of The Minotaur
- Lake
- Lake Of Blood
- Lama
- Lamb Of God
- Lamps
- Lana Del Rey
- Lancasters
- Land Of Kush
- Land Of Talk
- Landbridge
- Landmine Marathon
- Landmine Spring
- Landmines
- Lanegan, Mark
- Lanegan, Mark Band
- Lanegan, Mark And Garwood, Duke
- Lankum
- Lard
- Lark's Tongue
- Larm
- Larry Livermore
- Lars Frederiksen
- Las Mordidas
- Lasso
- Last Chordz
- Last Crusade
- Last Days Of April
- Last Ex
- Last Gang, The
- Last Gasp
- Last In Line
- Last Match
- Last Mile
- Last Perfection
- Last Resort
- Last Rights
- Last Rites
- Last Shadow Puppets
- Last Stand
- Last Target
- Last Words
- Lasting Traces
- Latch Key Kidz
- Latin Jazz Quintet
- Latterman
- Laughin' Nose
- Laurel Aitken
- Lautsturmer
- Lava
- Lavender Flu
- LaVette, Bettye
- Lavra
- Lawnmower Deth
- Lawrence Arms
- Lazarus Blackstar
- Lazy Cowgirls
- Lcd Soundsystem
- LD Totenkopf
- Le Bain De Maid
- Le Butcherettes
- Le Kraken
- Le Scrawl
- Le Shok
- Le Tigre
- Le1f
- Leather Uppers
- Leatherface
- Leathervein
- Lebanon
- Lebenden Toten
- Lecherous Gaze
- Led Zeppelin
- Lee "Scratch" Perry
- Lee "Scratch" Perry & The Upsetters
- Lee Bains III & The Glory Fires
- Leech
- Leechfeast
- Lees Than Jake
- Left Cross
- Left For Dead
- Left Hand Path
- Left Lane Cruiser
- Leftover Crack
- Legal Weapon
- Legend
- Legendary Pink Dots
- Legendary Shack
- Legendary Wings
- Leggs, The
- Lekman, Jens
- Lemon Twigs
- Lemonheads
- Lemuria
- Leng Tch_e
- Length Of Time
- Lenguas Largas
- Lenny Lashley's Gang Of One
- Lento
- Les Baxter
- Les Fragments De La Nuit
- Les Savy Fav
- Less Than Jake
- Let's Eat Grandma
- Lethal Aggression
- Letlive
- Letter E
- Leviathan
- Levitations
- Levitations
- Levy
- Lewd
- Lewd Acts
- Lexicon
- Leyla McCalla
- Liam Gallagher
- Liar
- Liars
- Liars & Gerry Mitchel
- Liberator
- Libertines
- Lich
- Lick Goldensky
- Lid
- Lido Pimienta
- Lie
- Lies
- Life And Times
- Life At These Speed
- Life Force
- Life Fucker
- Life In Pictures
- Life Long Tragedy
- Life Sentence
- Life...But How To Live It?
- Life.Love.Shirts
- Life's Blood
- Life´s Blood
- Life´s Question
- Lifesick
- Lifetime
- Ligeia
- Light Beams
- Light Bearer
- Light Conductor
- Light The Fuse And Run
- Light This City
- Lighthouse Project
- Lightnin' Hopkins
- Lightning Bolt
- Lightning Dust
- Lights
- Lights Out
- Lightspeed Champion
- Liiek
- Like Rats
- Like Young
- Lilacs & Champagne
- Limes
- Limp Wrist
- Lincoln
- Lingua Ignota
- Link Wray
- Link Wray And The Wraymen
- Lion Fever
- Lion Of Judah
- Lion's Law
- Liosber
- Lip Cream
- Lip Critic
- Liquid Liquid
- Lisa Germano
- Litmus
- Little Annie
- Little Girls
- Little Killers
- Little Richard
- Little Richards
- Little Walter
- Liturgy
- Living Eyes
- Living Gate
- Living Hell
- Liz Janes
- Liz Lamere
- LO!
- Lock Up
- Locrian
- Locust
- Locust Eaters
- Logh
- Loincloth
- Lois
- Lokum
- Loma
- Loma Prieta
- Londonians
- Lonesome Shack
- Long Knife
- Lonnie Holley
- Look Back And Laugh
- Look Back And Laungh
- Looking For An Answer
- Lookouts
- Loop Troop
- Loose Prick
- Lopez, Omar R.
- Lopez, Omar Rodriguez
- Lord Dying
- Lord Mantis
- Lord Snow
- Lorde
- Lords
- Lords Of Altamont
- Lords Of Falconry
- Los Angeles Police Department
- Los Canguros
- Los Crudos
- Los Tiki Phantoms
- Los Yaps
- Loscil
- Loser Life
- Loss
- Lost Balloons
- Lost Girls
- Lost Patrol Band
- Lost Rivers
- Lost Sounds
- Lost World
- Loth
- Lotic
- Lotus Eaters
- Lotus Fucker
- Lotus Thief
- Love And Rockets
- Love As Laughter
- Love Fiend
- Love Life
- Loved
- Loved Ones
- Lovehatehero
- Lovelight Shine
- Low
- Low + Dirty Three
- Low Culture
- Low Estate
- Low Life
- Low Places
- Low Vision
- Lowe, Nick
- Lower
- Lower Class Brats
- Lower Hell
- Lowered A.D.
- Lowest Form
- Lowtalker
- LP
- LP Mailer
- LTD (Louder Than Death)
- Lucas, Austin
- Lucifer
- Lucy Dacus
- Ludicra
- Luis And The Wildfires
- Lullabye Arkestra
- Luluc
- Lumbar
- Lunch Lydia And Rowland S. Howard
- Lunch, Lydia
- Lungfish
- Lurk
- Lust For Youth
- Lustmord
- Luther
- Lvmen
- Lycanthrophy
- Lycanthropy
- Lycus
- Lymbyc System
- Lymbyc Systym
- Lynch, David
- Lyres
- M: 40
- M. Barr
- M. Ward
- M.f.p.
- M.i.a.
- M.O.D.
- M.o.t.o.
- M/R
- Maailmanloppu
- Mac DeMarco
- Macgowan, Shane
- Macgyver
- Machetazo
- Macho Boys
- Mad Are Sane
- Mad Caddies
- Mad Love
- Mad Music Inc.
- Mad Parade
- Mad Pigs
- Mad Sin
- Madball
- Madcap
- Made By The Fire
- Made Out Of Babies
- Madness
- Mae Shi
- Maelstrom
- Magazine
- Magic Circle
- Magik Markers
- Magma
- Magnetic Fields
- Magnetic Fields, The
- Magnitude
- Magnolia Electric Co
- Magnolia Park
- Magnum Force
- Magnus Pelander
- Magrudergrind
- Mainstrike
- Majeure
- Majical Cloudz
- Major Accident
- Major Arcana
- Major Conflict
- Major Pain
- Major Stars
- Majority Rule
- Make Do And Mend
- Make Up
- Make War
- Makers
- Makes Nice
- Making A Scene
- Malachai
- Male Bonding
- Male Gaze
- Male Nurses
- Malfeitor
- Malfunction
- Malice At The Palace
- Malignant Tumour
- Malleus
- Mamaleek
- Mammoth Grinder
- Mammut
- Man Is The Bastard
- Man Is The Bastard Aka Charred Remains
- Man Lifting Banner
- Man Must Die
- Man Or Astro Man
- Man Or Astro-man
- Man Overboard
- Mana Mana
- Mandates
- Maniac
- Manic Hispanic
- Manic Ride
- Manifestation
- Manifesto Jukebox
- Manipulate
- Manishevitz
- Mankind
- Mannequin Pussy
- Mano Negra
- Manon Meurt
- Manowar
- Manpig
- Mantas
- Maps And Atlases
- Mara Jade
- March Violets
- Marching Church
- Marching Orders
- Marginal Man
- Maria BC
- Mariachi El Bronx
- Marid
- Marika Hackman
- Marina Allen
- Mario Diaz de Leon
- Marissa Nadler
- Mark Korven
- Mark Kozelek
- Mark Porkchop Holder
- Mark Sultan
- Marked Men
- Marley, Bob
- Marnie Stern
- Maroon
- Mars Volta
- Martha
- Martin Rev
- Martyr Ad
- Martyrdod
- Martyrs Tongue
- Marvelous Darlings
- Mary Lattimore
- Mary Lou Lord
- Masakari
- Maserati
- Mashgul
- Masked Intruder
- Mass Gothic
- Mass Movement Of The Moth
- Massenger
- Massgrav
- Massgrave
- Masshysteri
- Massive Attack
- Massmord
- Master
- Master Musicians Of Bukkake
- Masters Hammer
- Mastery
- Mastodon
- Matadors
- Matana Roberts
- Mates Of State
- Matinee
- Matka Teresa
- Matmos
- Matt Pond Pa
- Matt Skiba
- Matt Skiba + Kevin Seconds
- Matthew Collings
- Matthew Ryan
- Mattiel
- Matz
- Mau Haus
- Mau Maus
- Max Tundra
- Maxeen
- Maximillian Colby
- Maximum Rocknroll #380
- Maximum Rocknroll #381
- Maya Hawke
- Mayhem
- Maytals
- Mazinerie
- Mazzy Star
- Mc5
- McCaughan, Mac
- McGhee, Stick
- Mdou Moctar
- Me First And Gimme Gimmes
- Mean Jeans
- Mean Season
- Meantime
- Meanwhile
- Measure (sa)
- Meat Puppets
- Meat Wave
- Meatbodies
- Meatfly
- Meatmen
- Medications
- Medicine
- Meet Me In St. Luis
- Meffs, The
- Meg Baird
- Megadeth
- Megafuckers
- Mekons
- Melchior's Broke Revue
- Melt Banana
- Melvins
- Melvins + Fantomas
- Melvins + Lustmord
- Memo PST
- Memoryhouse
- Men I Trust
- Men,the
- Men's Recovery Project
- Menace
- Menace Ruine
- Menstrual Cycles
- Mental
- Menuck, Efrim Manuel
- Menzingers
- Mercenárias
- Merchandise
- Mercury Program
- Mercury Rev
- Mercyful Fate
- Merdoso
- Merel
- Merton Parkas
- Merzbow
- Meshuggah
- Mesmer
- Mesrine
- Mess
- Messengers
- Messer
- Messthetics
- Messthetics, The
- Metal Church
- Metal Urbain
- Metalchurch
- Metallic Falcons
- Metallica
- Meteors, The
- Methadones
- Metronome Blues
- Metros
- Metz
- Metz And Swami John Reis
- MewithoutYou
- Mexican Wolfboys
- Mi Ami
- Mi Amore
- Miasmal
- Michal Pařízek
- Microfilm
- Middle Class
- Midlake
- Midnight
- Midnight Movers
- Midnight Sons
- Midwife
- Mighty Mighty Bosstones
- Mighty Roars
- Miighty Flashlight
- Mika Miko
- Mikal Cronin
- Mike & The Melvins
- Mike Evans
- Mike Hale
- Mike Krol
- Mike Patton & Jean-Claude Vannier
- Mike Polizze
- Mike Reed
- Mike Vallera
- Mildlife
- Milemarker
- Miles Away
- Miles Between Us
- Miles Davis
- Miles Davis & Milt Jackson
- Miles Davis All Stars
- Miles Davis And The Lighthouse All-Stars
- Miles Davis Quintet
- Miles Davis Sextet
- Milk Lines
- Millencolin
- Millenial Reign
- Millions Of Them
- Mind Controls
- Mind Of Asian
- Mind Spiders
- Mind Trap
- Mindforce
- Mindset
- Mine
- Mingus, Charles
- Mingus, Charlie
- Miniature Tigers
- Ministry
- Minkions
- Minor Threat
- Minor Times
- Minsk
- Minus
- Minus Story
- Minus The Bear
- Minutemen
- Mirah
- Mirah And Spectratone International
- Mirel Wagner
- Miroslav Černý
- Mirror Queen
- Mirrors For Psychic Warfare
- Misantropic
- Miscalculations
- Mischief Brew
- Misery
- Misery Index
- Misery Signals
- Misery Speaks
- Misfits
- Miss Alex White & Her
- Miss Grit
- Miss Marple
- Miss Pussycat
- Miss Tk And The Revenge
- Missing Monuments
- Mission Of Burma
- Mississippi John Hurt
- Mister Heavenly
- Mitchell, Joni
- Mitski
- Mizery
- Mizmor
- MJ Lenderman
- Mk Ultra
- Mnmnts
- Moaning
- Mob 47
- Mob, The
- Moby
- Model Citizens
- Moderat Likvidation
- Modern Action
- Modern Baseball
- Modern Crimes
- Modern Life Is War
- Modern Love
- Modern Lovers
- Modern Machines
- Modern Pain
- Modern Pets
- Modernettes
- Modest Mouse
- Modey Lemon
- Modificacion
- Moebius
- Moenster
- Mognoloid
- Mogwai
- Mohinder
- Moholy-nagy
- Moksha
- Molchat Doma
- Molina And Johnson
- Molina, Jason
- Molina, Juana
- Molly Burch
- Moloch
- Moloney John
- Moment Maniacs
- Momentum
- Monachus
- Monarch
- Mondo Drag
- Mondo Generator
- Moneen
- Money
- Moneybrother
- Mongoloid
- Monkees
- Monkey
- Monkey Wrench
- Monkeywrench
- Monks
- Mono
- Monochrome
- Monochrome Set
- Monolog
- Monolord
- Monophonics
- Monorchid
- Monotonix
- Monplaisir
- Monster
- Monster Squad
- Monster X
- Mood Of Defiance
- Moon Duo
- Moon Zero
- Mooney Suzuki
- Moonless
- Moonrakers
- Moor Mother
- Moore Thurston
- Moore, Thurston
- Moped
- Moral Law
- Moral Mazes
- Moral Void
- Morbid
- Morbid Angel
- Morcheeba
- Mord
- Mordbrand
- More Kicks
- More Than Ever
- Mork
- MÖrkhimmel
- Morlocks
- Morne
- Morning Again
- Morning Glory
- Moro Moro Land
- Morpheme
- Morphine
- Morricone, Ennio
- Morrissey
- Morrow
- Morser
- Mort Garson
- Morta Skuld
- Mortals
- Mortician
- Mortiferum
- mortiis
- Morus
- Mos Generator
- Moses Sumney
- Moss Icon
- Most Precious Blood
- Most Secret Method
- Moth, the
- Mother
- Mother Of Mercy
- Mother's Children
- Motherfuckers
- Mothers
- Motion City Soundtrack
- Motley Crue
- Motorhead
- Motus Vita Est
- Mould, Bob
- Mount Carmel
- Mount Eerie
- Mount Erie
- Mount Fuji Doomjazz Corporation
- Mount Logan
- Mountain Goats
- Mountain Witch
- Mountains
- Mourn
- Mourning Cloak
- Mouse On Mars
- Mouse On The Keys
- Moutbreathers
- Mouthbreaker
- Mouthbreather
- Mouthpiece
- Moving Targets
- Moving Units
- Mozarts Sister
- Mr. Bungle
- Mr. T Experience, The
- Mr. Zero
- Mrs Magician
- Mu 330
- Muddy Waters
- Mudhoney
- Mugstar
- Muhly, Nico
- Mukea Di Rato
- Mukeka Di Rato
- Mulatu Astatke & His Ethiopian Quintet
- Mulatu Of Ethiopia
- Mule
- Multicast Dynamics
- Mumford And Sons
- Mundo Muerto
- Municipal Waste
- Munly
- Murder By Death
- Murder Capital
- Murder City Devils
- Murder Construct
- Murderburgers
- Murphy's Law
- Muscle And Marrow
- Muse
- Musée Mécanique
- Music Go Music
- Musk
- Musselwhite, Charlie
- Mustard Plug
- Mutilated Tongue
- Mutilation Rites
- Mutoid Man
- Mutually Assured Destruction
- Mxpx
- My Bloody Valentine
- My Brightest Diamond
- My Cold Embrace
- My Dad Is Dead
- My Disco
- My Dying Bride
- My Fictions
- My First Failure
- My Life With Morrissey
- My Morning Jacket
- My Own Lies
- My Sad Captains
- Mykki Bianco
- Mykki Blanco
- Myrkur
- Myrkur †
- Myrkur LP
- Mystery Girls
- Myteri
- N
- N.A.S.A.
- N.W.A.
- N.Y.C Mayhem
- Naam
- Nabat
- Nachtmystium
- Nadja
- Nadja & Black Boned
- Nadja + Kodiak
- Nailbiter
- Nailbomb
- Nailed Down
- Nails
- Naked Aggression
- Naked Lights
- Naked On The Vague
- Naked Raygun
- Namorados
- Naomi Punk
- Naomi Shelton And The Gospel Queens
- Nap Eyes
- Napalm Christ
- Napalm Death
- Narcoleptic Youth
- Narcosis
- Narrows
- Narziss
- Nashville Pussy
- Nastassia, Nina
- Nasty Pets
- Nasum
- Nate Hall
- Nathaniel Mayer
- Nathen Maxwell
- Nation Of Language
- Nation Of Ulysses
- National, The
- Nations On Fire
- Native Nod
- Nattefrost
- Nausea
- Navies
- Naxen
- Naysayer
- Nazgûl
- Nazi Dogs
- Neanderthal
- Nebra
- Nebula
- Neck
- Necronomicon Beast
- Necrophagist
- Necros
- Necrot
- Needles
- Needles//Pins
- Negativ
- Negative Approach
- Negative FX
- Negative Gears
- Negative Scanner
- Negative Standards
- Negatives
- Negazione
- Neighborhood Brats
- Neighbors
- Neil Michael Hagerty
- Neil On Impression
- Neko Case
- Nekrofilth
- Nekromantix
- Nelson, Willie
- Nelson, Willie
- Neon Blonde
- Neon Christ
- Neon Indian
- Neon Piss
- Nerf Herder
- Nerve Agents
- Nerves, The
- Nervosas
- Nervous Assistant
- Ness, Mike
- Neufeld, Sarah
- Neuroot
- Neurosis
- Neurosis + Jarboe
- Neutral Milk Hotel
- Never Ending Game
- Never Face Defeat
- Never Surrender
- New Bloods
- New Bomb Turks
- New Brigade
- New Bums
- New Dawn, The
- New Flesh
- New Found Glory
- New Granada
- New Idea Society
- New Lows
- New Mexican Disaster Squad
- New Model Army
- New Morality
- New Order
- New Original Sonic Sound, The
- New Pornographers
- New Race
- New Trust
- New Wet Kojak
- New Year
- New York Against The Belzebu
- New York Dolls
- Newtown Neurotics
- Nic
- Nice Boys
- Nick Cave and Warren Ellis
- Nicks, Stevie
- Nico
- Nicotine
- Night Beats
- Night Birds
- Night Fever
- Night Horse
- Night Marchers
- Night People
- Night Terrors
- Nightbitch
- Nightbringer
- Nightfell
- Nightmare
- Nights Like These
- Nightsatan
- Nightwish
- Nihilist
- Nihilistics
- Nihilists
- Nikaido Kazumi
- Nikander
- Nikki And The Corvettes
- Nikki Giovanni
- Nikki Lane
- Nikki Sudden
- Nikki Sudden & Rowland S. Howard
- Nikki Sudden & The Jacobites
- Nikmat Olalim
- Nile
- Nine
- Nine Days Wonder
- Nine Inch Nails
- Nino Rota
- Nirvana
- Nisses Notter
- Nitad
- Nite Fields
- Nite-Liters, The
- Nite-Lites
- NK6
- Nn
- No Age
- No Comment
- No Comply
- No Denial
- No Escape
- No Faith
- No For An Answer
- No Fraud
- No Friends
- No Fun At All
- No Hope For The Kids
- No Innocent Victim
- No Knife
- No More Art
- No More Lies
- No Omega
- No One Rules
- No Parade
- No Problem
- No Statik
- No System
- No Tag
- No Talents
- No Time
- No Tolerance
- No Tomorrow
- No Trend
- No Turning Back
- No Use For A Name
- No Values
- No Warning
- No Wto Combo
- No-Heads
- Nobunny
- Nocturnus AD
- Nod Nod
- Nodes Of Ranvier
- Nofx
- NOFX Vs. Frank Turner
- Noi!se
- Noise
- Noisear
- Noisem
- Nolla Nolla Nolla
- Nomads
- Nomeansno
- Nominon
- Non
- Non Boyd Rice
- Non Restraints
- Nona
- None More Black
- Noose
- Noothgrush
- Nora
- Nordic Normadic
- North Lincoln
- North Mississippi Allstars
- Northern State
- Northless
- Not Afraid
- Not On Tour
- Not Sorry
- Nota
- Notations, The
- Nothing
- Nothing Remains
- Nothington
- Nots
- Nouvelle Vague
- Nova Mob
- November Coming Fire
- Now Denial
- Now, The
- Nuclear Age
- Nuclear Assault
- Nuclear Simphony
- Nukketeatteri
- Nula
- Nulajednanulanula
- Null
- Numbers
- Numbers, the
- Numenorean
- Nuns
- Nurses
- Nux Vomica
- NYC Headhunters
- P.I.F.
- P.I.G.S.
- P.j. Bonnneman
- P.l.f.
- P.R.O.B.L.E.M.S.
- P.S. Eliot
- P.w. Long
- Pää Kii
- Pacino
- Paco Sala
- Page 99
- Pageninetynine
- Pains Of Being Pure At Heart
- Paint It Black
- Paintbox
- Pajo
- Pakkosyöttö
- Palace Brothers (bonnie Prince Billy)
- Palace Music (bonnie Prince Billy)
- Palace Of Worms
- Palahniuk
- Palatka
- Pale Creation
- Palehorse
- Pallbearer
- Palm
- Palma Violets
- Palms
- Pampers
- Pan American
- Pan And Me
- Panda Bear
- Pandoras
- Panic
- Panopticon
- Panoptikum
- Pansy Division
- Pantera
- Panther
- Panthers
- Panzer Bastard
- PanzerBastard
- Papa M
- Papaya
- Paper Chase
- Papercuts
- Paprika
- Paradise Lost
- Paralisis Permanente
- Paramnesia
- Paranoia
- Paranoid
- Paranoyds, The
- Parasite Dreams
- Parasytic
- Pariah
- Parker, Charlie
- Parkway Drive
- Parlour
- Parole 80
- Parquet Courts
- Part 1
- Part Chimp
- Parting Gifts
- Partisans
- Parts & Labor
- Parts And Labor
- Passion
- Passiv Dodshjalp
- Pat Jordache
- Path Of Resistance
- Patsy's Rats
- Pattenrns
- Patterns
- Patters
- Patton, Charley
- Patton, Mike
- Patton, Mike + Kaada
- Paul Baribeau
- Paul Chain
- Paul Collin´s Beat
- Paul Collins Band
- Paul Newman
- Pavement
- Pax Helvetia
- Peace Creep
- Peacers, The
- Peaches
- Peacocks
- Peaking Lights
- Pearl Jam
- Pears
- Pearson, Justin
- Pedro The Lion
- Peeping Tom
- Peepshows, The
- Pegboy
- Pelican
- Pelle Miljoona & 1980.
- Penelope Houston
- Penetration Moon
- Penetration Panthers
- Penetrators
- Penny Cocks
- Pennywise
- Pentagram
- Pentemple
- People Of The North
- Pere Ubu
- Perfect Future
- Perfect Pussy
- Perfect Son
- Perfume Genius
- Perkele
- Perrett, Peter
- Perri, Sandro
- Perry, Lee
- Persekutor
- Personality Crisis
- Personality Cult
- Pestilence
- Petbrick
- Peter And The Test Tube Babies
- Peter Moren
- Peter Pan Speedrock
- Petethepiratesquid
- Petr Válek
- Petrels
- Petrol Girls
- Pets, The
- Pettybone
- PF Commando
- Pfarmers
- PG Lost
- Phantom Glue
- Phantom Limbs
- Phantom Raiders
- Pharaoh
- Pharaoh Overlord
- Pharmakon
- Philip Glass
- Philm
- Phobia
- Phoebe Bridgers
- Phoenix Bodies
- Phoenix Foundation
- Phylums
- Physique
- PI
- Piaf Edith
- Piano Interrupted
- Piano Interupted
- Pianos Become The Teeth
- Piava
- Pick Your Side
- Picture Frame Seduction
- Piebald
- Piece By Piece
- Pierce With Arrow
- Pierced Arrows
- Pig Destroyer
- Pigeon
- Pigeonhed
- Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs
- Pile
- Pilot To Gunner
- Pinback
- Pinebender
- Pink Eye (fucked Up)
- Pink Floyd
- Pink Turds In Space
- Pink Turns Blue
- Pins
- Pins Of Light
- Pip Blom
- Pipes and Pints
- Pirate Ship Quintet
- Piss
- Piss Test
- Pissed Jeans
- Pissgrave
- Pist
- Pistol Grip
- Pistones
- Pitbull
- Pitch Black
- Pitchshifter
- Pitschifter
- Pixies
- Plague Vendor
- Plains
- Planes Mistaken For Stars
- Planet B
- Planet On A Chain
- Planks
- Planning For Burial
- Plant, Robert And Kraus, Allison
- Plasmatics
- Plastic People Of The Universe, The
- Plate Six
- Playing Enemy
- Plazmatick
- Pleased Youth
- Pleasure Forever
- Plebeian Grands
- Plebeian Grandstand
- Plimsouls
- Plizzken
- Plosivs
- Plot To Blow Up The Eiffel Tower
- Pogues
- Pointed Sticks
- Poison Arrows
- Poison Arts
- Poison Control
- Poison Girls
- Poison Idea
- Poison Planet
- Poison Ruin
- Poison The Well
- Poisoned Seeds
- Polar Bear
- Polar Bear Club
- Police
- Police And Thieves
- Police Bastard
- Policy Of 3
- Polite Sleeper
- Political Asylum
- Polly Paulusma
- Polvo
- Poly Styrene
- Pontiak
- Ponys
- Poor Moon
- Pop 1280
- Pop Group
- Pop, Iggy
- Poppeess
- Poppy Ackroyd
- Porn
- Porridge Radio
- Portal
- Portastatic
- Portishead
- Portraits Of Past
- Portrayal Of Guilt
- Poser Disposer
- Positive Mind
- Possessed
- Post Regiment
- Post Teens
- Post-hudba
- Postal Service
- Potential Johns
- Potential Threat
- Potshot
- Pour Habit
- Povodí Ohře
- Pow!
- Powder Monkeys
- Power
- Power Alone
- Power Supply
- Power Trip
- Powerplant
- Powertrip
- Požár mlýna
- Praise
- Pram
- Pratt, Jessica
- Preachers, The
- Prema
- Premonitions Of War
- Preoccupations
- Presley Elvis
- Pressing On
- Prettiest Eyes
- Pretty Girls Make Graves
- Pretty Hurts
- Pretty Things
- Pridebowl
- Priessnitz
- Priestess
- Priests
- Prima Donna
- Primal Code
- Primal Rite
- Primal Scream
- Primals, The
- Primate
- Primitive Blast
- Primitive Man
- Primitive Parts
- Primus
- Prince
- Prince Buster
- Princess Chelsea
- Prints
- Prisoner Abuse
- Prizehog
- Problems
- Probot
- Process Black
- Procession
- Prodigy
- Profane Existence
- Professionals
- Profile
- Profound
- Programmers
- Project X
- Proletar
- Proletariat, the
- Promise And The Monster
- Promise Ring
- Promoe
- Propagandhi
- Prophecy Of Doom
- Protess
- Protestant
- Protester
- Protestera
- Protesti
- Protijed
- Protomartyr
- Proud Parents
- Proxy
- Prurient
- Psalm Zero
- Psapp
- Psychic Ills
- Psychic Limb
- Psychic Paramount
- Psychic Trash
- Psychic Tv
- Psycho
- Psychos
- Psychwarfare
- Pterodactyl
- Pttrns
- Public Enemy
- Public Image Ltd
- Public Image Ltd (pil)
- Publicist UK
- Puff Pieces
- Puffball
- Pulley
- Pulling Teeth
- Pulp
- Pulsar
- Pulse
- Punch
- Punch In The Face
- Punishment in Flesh
- Punk Love
- Pup
- Pupils
- Pura Manía
- Pure Hell
- Purge
- Purified In Blood
- Purity Control
- Purity Ring
- Purling Hiss
- Purple Mountains
- Pussy Galore
- Pygmy Lush
- Pygmy Push
- Pyha Kuolema
- Pylon
- Pyramido
- Pyramids
- Pyramids With Nadja
- Pyroklast
- R.E.M.
- R.I.P.
- R'n'R
- RA
- RA (Rude Awakening)
- Rabbits
- Race Traitor
- Racebannon
- Racetraitor
- Rachel Grimes
- Rachel's
- Raconteurs
- Radar Mercury
- Radegast
- Radiator Hospital
- Radikal Dub Kolektiv
- Radio 4
- Radio Birdman
- Radio Burroughs
- Radio Moscow
- Radioactivity
- Radiohead
- Radiolokator
- Radiopuhelimet
- Radosta
- Raein
- Ragan, Chuck
- Ragana
- Rage Against The Machine
- Rah Bras!
- Raime
- Rain
- Rain Like The Sound Of Trains
- Raincoats
- Rainer Maria
- Rairbirds
- Raised Fist
- Rajoitus
- Ramallah
- Rambo
- Ramming Speed
- Ramoms
- Ramone , Johnny
- Ramones
- Ranaldo, Lee
- Ranaldo, Lee And The Dust
- Rancid
- Rancid vs Operation Ivy
- Rancid X
- Randoms
- Randy
- Rank Xerox
- Raped
- Rapeman
- Rapsod
- Rapture, The
- Rasmus, The
- Rat Boy
- Rat Columns
- Rata Negra
- Ratchets
- Rated X
- Ratos De Porao
- Rats Blood
- Ratsia
- Ratstab
- Rattus
- Raül Refree
- Ravens Creed
- Raw Power
- Rawside
- Raxola
- Ray Cappo
- Ray Parada
- Raydios
- Razor
- Razorbumps
- RazorCut
- Razors In The Night
- Re-sisters
- Re-Volts
- Reach The Sky
- Reagan Youth
- Real Enemy
- Real Estate
- Real Kids
- Real Mckenzies
- Reality Crisis
- Realize
- Really Red
- Reason To Care
- Reatards
- Rebecca Foon
- Recoil
- Records COllecting Dust
- Rectify
- Red Alert
- Red Apollo
- Red Aunts
- Red Chord
- Red City Radio
- Red Death
- Red Dons
- Red Eyed Legends
- Red Fang
- Red Handed
- Red Hare
- Red Hot Chilli Peppers
- Red Krayola
- Red Kunz
- Red Lights
- Red Lights Flash
- Red London
- Red Lorry Yellow Lorry
- Red Reaction
- Red Sparowes
- Red Stars Theory
- Redd Kross
- Redding, Otis
- Redemtion 87
- Reducers S. F.
- Reducers S.F.
- Reed, Lou
- Reek Minds
- Reflux
- Refused
- Regents
- Reggie And Full Effect
- Regulate
- Regulations
- Regulator Watts
- Regurgitate
- Rehashed
- Reich, Steve
- Reign Of Terror
- Reign Supreme
- Reigning Sound
- Reinhardt, Django
- Reivers
- Reiziger
- Rejected Youth
- Reka
- Relapse Records
- Religious Knives
- Religious War
- Remains Of The Day
- Remember Never
- Rememberables
- Remembering Never
- Remission
- Repelent SS
- Repercussions
- Replacements
- Replica
- Report Suspicious Ac
- Reptaliens
- Reptile House
- Repulsion
- Requiem
- Residents
- Residual Echoes
- Resist
- Response
- Ressurection
- Rest In Pieces
- Restarts
- Restorations
- Restraining Order
- Resurrectionists
- Retaliate
- Retox
- Retribution Gospel Choir
- Retro Protest
- Returnables
- Revenge, The
- Reverend Bizarre
- Reverend Horton Heat
- Reverend Kristin Michael Hayter
- Reverend Peyton
- Revillos
- Revisions
- Revolting Cocks
- Revolution Mother
- Rex C
- Rezillos
- RF7
- Rhythm And Blues
- Ribot, Marc
- Ribzy
- Ricardo Donoso
- Rich Kids On LSD
- Richard Dawson
- Richard Hell And The Voidoids
- Richard Reed Parry
- Richard Youngs
- Rickolus
- Ride
- Riff Randels
- Right Brigade
- Right Idea
- Righteous Pigs
- Riisteterror
- Riistetyt
- Riki
- Rikk Agnew
- Rikk Agnew Band
- Ringers
- Ringfinger
- Ringworm
- Riot Before
- Riot Squad
- Ripcord
- Ripped To Shreds
- Rippikoulu
- Riptides
- Rise Above
- Rise Above Records
- Rise Against
- Rise And Fall
- Rising
- Risposta
- Rites Of Spring
- Rites, The
- Ritual Chamber
- Ritual Control
- Ritual Howls
- Ritual Mess
- Rituals
- Rival Mob
- Rival Schools
- River City High
- River City Tanlines
- Rivieras
- Rivolta
- Rkl
- Roadside Bombs
- Rob Crow
- Rob Crow's Gloomy Place
- Robocop Kraus
- Robot Ate Me
- Robyn Hitchcock
- Rocket From The Crypt
- Rodan
- Rodriguez
- Roe Kapara
- Roedelius
- Roger Bekono
- Roger Miret And Disasters
- Roger Miret And The Disasters
- Rogue Wave
- Roisin Murphy
- Rolling Blackouts
- Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever
- Rolling Stones
- Rollins Band
- Romantic Gorilla
- Romero
- Ron Franklin
- Rorschach
- Rosalía
- Rose Windows
- Rosenstock, Jeff
- Roses Are Red
- Rosetta
- Rot In Hell
- Rotten Fux
- Rotten Sound
- Rotters
- Rotting Christ
- Rotting Out
- Rovsvett
- Rowland S. Howard
- Rowland S. Howard Vs. The Devastations
- Roxor
- Roy
- Roy Orbison
- Royal City
- Royal Headache
- Royal Thunder
- Royal Trux
- Röyksopp
- Rozpor
- Rubble
- Ruby The Hatchet
- Rude Awakening
- Rude Kids
- Rude Pride
- Rudimentary Peni
- Ruidosa Inmundicia
- Ruin
- Ruin It!
- Ruination
- Ruined Families
- Ruiner
- Rumbleseat
- Rumpelstiltskin Grinder
- Run D.m.c.
- Run For Your Fucking Life
- Run Forever
- Run Like Hell
- Run The Jewels
- Run With The Hunted
- Runaways
- Rundle, Emma Ruth
- Runnamucks
- Running
- Running For Cover
- Running Riot
- Rupture
- Russ Rankin
- Russian Circles
- Rust
- Rutka Laskier
- Ruts, the
- Rwake
- Rx Bandits
- Ryan Sawyer
- Rye Coalition
- Ryley Walker
- Rytmihairio
- S. Carey
- S.D.S.
- S.H.I.
- S.H.I.T.
- S.o.a.
- S.o.b.
- S.O.D.
- S.o.s.
- S.P. Metal
- Sabathian
- Sabbath Assembly
- Sabertooth Tiger
- Saccharine Trust
- Sacri Cuori
- Sacri Monti
- Sacrilege
- Sad Lovers And Giants
- Saddest Landscape
- Sade
- Sado-Nation
- Saetia
- Safe And Sound
- Safenat Paneach
- Saffronkeira
- Saint Etienne
- Saint James Society
- Saint Vitus
- Saints, The
- Salad Days
- Salome
- Saltland
- Salute
- Sam Beam and Jesca Hoop
- Samhain
- Samiam
- Sammal
- Samuel Jackson 5
- Samuel S. C.
- Sanctum
- Sandworm
- Sanguisugabogg
- Sanitys Dawn
- Sankt Otten
- Sankt Otten + Majeure
- Sannhet
- Saosin
- Sarabante
- Sarcasm
- Sarcofagus
- Sarkyneet
- Saroos
- Satan's Satyrs
- Satanic Surfers
- Satanika
- Satelliters
- Saturday Looks Good To Me
- Saturn
- Satyricon
- Sauna Youth
- Sauvé, Quentin
- Savage Messiah
- Savage Republic
- Savages
- Savak
- Saves The Day
- Saving Grace
- Saving Throw
- Saviours
- Saw Throat
- Sawhorse
- Sayyadina
- Sc
- Scalp
- Scalplock
- Scarcity
- Scarecrow
- Scared For Life
- Scarred
- Scars Of Tomorrow
- Scatha
- Scheisse Minelli
- Scholastic Deth
- School Drugs
- Science Killer
- Scientists, The
- Scorpios
- Scott Kelly
- Scott Morgan
- Scout Niblett
- Scouts Honor
- Scowl
- Scrags, The
- Scraping Foetus Off The W.
- Scraps
- Scream
- Screamers
- Screamin' Jay Hawkins & The Fuzztones
- Screamin´ Jay Hawkins
- Screaming Females
- Screaming Trees
- Screature
- Screeching Weasel
- Screw 32
- Screwed Up
- Sculpture Club
- Scum Of Toytown
- Sea Of Shit
- Sea Of Thombs
- Seam
- Sean Na Na
- Search
- Seasick
- Seaweed
- Sebadoh
- Sebastian Plano
- Second Layer
- Second Moon Of Winter
- Seconds
- Secret
- Secret Fun Club
- Secret Smoker
- Sect
- Sectarian Violence
- Section 5
- Section 8
- Section H8
- Sed Non Satiata
- Sedatives
- Sedicion
- See You In Hell
- See You Next Tuesday
- Seeds
- Seein Red
- Seemless
- Segall, Ty
- Segall, Ty & Mikal Cronin
- Segall, Ty & White Fence
- Segall, Ty Band
- Segwei
- Seher
- Seirom
- Seized Up
- Selaxon Lutberg
- Selector Dub Narcotic
- Self Defense Family
- Self Inflicted
- Self Rule
- Selfish
- Senior Fellows
- Sense Field
- Sensefield
- Sensor Ghost
- Sensory Ghost
- Sensuuri
- Senza Benza
- Separation Suicide
- Septic Death
- Septic Surge
- Septic Tank
- Sepultura
- Sequence Pulse
- Seraphim
- Seratones
- Seremonia
- Serpentcult
- Serpentine Path
- Serpico
- Servotron
- Set Your Goals
- Setup, The
- Seven Sisters Of Sleep
- Seven That Spells
- Severed Head Of State
- Severin
- Sex Drive
- Sex Pistols
- Sex Positions
- Sex Prisoners
- Sex Stains
- Sexless Marriage
- Sextile
- Sgurd
- Shabazz Palaces
- Shades Apart
- Shades Of Grey
- Shadow In The Cracks
- Shadow Knell
- Shadow Of The Torturer
- Shai Hulud
- Shaking Sensations
- Sham 69
- Shame
- Shamen
- Shane, Jackie
- Shannon Stephens
- Shapes And Sizes
- Shark Toys
- Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings
- Sharon Van Etten
- Sharron Kraus
- Shattered Faith
- She & Him
- Shearwater
- Sheavy
- Sheer Mag
- Sheer Terror
- Sheida Gharachedaghi
- Shellac
- Shelter
- Shelton, Naomi
- Shever
- Shift
- Shikabane
- Shikari
- Shilpa Ray
- Shin
- Shin To Shin
- Shiner
- Shiners Club
- Shining
- Shins
- Shiny Two Shiny
- Ship Thieves
- Shipping News
- Shipwreck A.d.
- Shit Present
- Shitfucker
- Shitlickers
- Shitstorm
- Shitty Limits
- Shivas, The
- Shivering
- Shocked Minds
- Shoes
- Shokei
- Shook Ones
- Shooting Daggers
- Shooting Spires
- Shoplifting
- Shopping
- Shora
- Shorebirds
- Short Fast And Loud
- Short Fuse
- Short Fuses
- Shotmaker
- Shrapnel
- Shrine
- Shrinebuilder
- Shudder To Think
- Shutdown
- Sic Alps
- Sick Fix
- Sick Of It All
- Sick On The Bus
- Sick Thoughts
- Sick Times
- Sick/Tired
- Sicko
- Sid Vicious
- Side By Side
- Side Eyes, The
- Sidekicks, The
- Sidetracked
- Siege
- Sigh
- Sightless Pit
- Sights, The
- Signal Lost
- Sigur Ros
- Siki
- Silence, The
- Silent Era
- Silent Pictures
- Silkworm
- Silmienvaihtajat
- Silver Jews
- Silver Machine, The
- Silver Snakes
- Silverstein
- Simbiose
- Simon, Jason
- Simone Nina
- Simone, Nina
- Simpletones
- Sin 34
- Sinai Beach
- Sinaloa
- Since By Man
- Sink
- Sinking Ships
- Sinners And Saints
- Sinoath
- Sins Of Satan
- Siouxie And The Banshees
- Siouxsie & The Banshees
- Sir Richard Bishop
- Sisi
- Siskiyou
- Sista Sekunden
- Sister Grotto
- Sisters Of Mercy
- Situations
- Six Brew Bantha
- Six Organs Of Admitance
- Six Organs Of Admittance
- Six Reasons To Kill
- Sixer
- Sixteens
- Sixto Rodriguez
- Sixty Stories
- Sj Esau
- Skabbs, The
- Skalatones
- Skankin Pickle
- Skarhead
- Skarp
- Skatalites
- Skaven
- Skeletal Family
- Skeleton
- Skin Like Iron
- Skinless
- Skinny Puppy
- Skip James
- Skit System
- Skitkids
- Skitzo
- Skruppel
- Skull Crusher
- Skull Defekts
- Skull Defekts, The
- Skull Kontrol
- Skull Practitioners
- Skull, the
- Skullcrusher
- Skullflower
- Skunk Anansie
- Sky Came Falling
- Skygreen Leopards
- Slackers
- Slade
- Slam
- Slang
- Slant 6
- Slapshot
- Slapstick
- Slaughter
- Slaughter And The Dogs
- Slaughterhouse
- Slayer
- Sleaford Mods
- Sleater Kinney
- Sleater-kinney
- Sleep
- Sleep Of Monsters
- Sleeper Cell
- Sleeping Beauties
- Sleeping People
- Sleeping With Sirens
- Sleepwave
- Sleepytime Trio
- Sleeveens
- Sleeveens, The
- Slight Slappers
- Slim Cessna's Auto Club
- Slime
- Slint
- Slits
- Slo Burn
- Sloppy Seconds
- Slow Death, The
- Slow Gherkin
- Slow Pulp
- Slowdive
- Slumber Party
- Slumlords
- Smackdown
- Small Black
- Small Brown Bike
- Smalltown
- Smart Cops
- Smart Went Crazy
- Smash Detox
- Smash Your Face
- Smashing Pumpkins
- Smd
- Smile
- Smith , Patti
- Smith , Patti Group
- Smith Street Band
- Smith Westerns
- Smith, Elliott
- Smiths
- Smiths The
- Smiths, The
- Smog
- Smoke Or Fire
- Smokey Mirror
- Smoking Popes
- Smooths
- Smudjas
- Snacktruck
- Snail Mail
- Snakes
- Snapcase
- Sneaker Pimps
- Sněť
- Snfu
- Snips
- Snowden
- Snowdogs
- Snuff
- So Be It
- So Pitted
- So Stressed
- Soap And Skin
- Soar
- Soccer Mommy
- Soccer Team
- Social Climbers
- Social Distortion
- Social Unrest
- Socialite
- Sodom
- Soft Boys
- Soft Circle
- Soft Kill
- Soft Machine
- Soft Metals
- Soft Moon
- Soilent Green
- SoiSong
- Sol
- Soldiers
- Sole
- Solea
- Solid Decline
- Solids
- Solothus
- Solstafir
- Solucion Mortal
- Solutions
- Some Girls
- Some Nerve
- Somehow Hollow
- Something Fierce
- Something Like Elvis
- Son Of Rogues Gallery
- Song Of Zarathustra
- Song Of Zarathustrracebannon
- Songs: Ohia
- Sonic Avenues
- Sonic Chicken 4
- Sonic Rendezvous Band
- Sonic Youth
- Sonic Youth + The Ex
- Sonic Youth With Mats Gustaffson
- Sonic's Rendezvous Band
- Sonics
- Sonics, The
- Sonna
- Sonny And The Sunsets
- Sonny Clark Trio
- Sonny Rollins
- Sonny Simmons & Moksha Samnyasin
- Sonny Vincent & Spite
- Sons And Daughters
- Sophia
- Sophie
- Sore Dream
- Sore Points
- Sore Throat
- Sorex
- Sorority Noise
- Sorrows
- Sos
- Sotatila
- Sotlimpa
- Soul Control
- Soul Finders
- Soul Glo
- Soul Power
- Soul Search
- Soulfly
- Souls She Said
- Soulside
- Sound Experience
- Sound, The
- Soundgarden
- Sounds Like Violence
- Soundwalk Collective
- Sourvein
- Southenr Lord Records
- Souvenirs
- Sovereign
- Soviet Soviet
- Soviettes
- Space Afrika
- Space Chaser
- Space Lady
- Spaceboy
- Spaced
- Spacehorse
- Spanakorzo
- Sparklehorse
- Sparks
- Sparta
- Spazz
- Speak 714
- Special Duties
- Specials
- Spectacle
- Spectral Wound
- Spectres
- Speed
- Speedtrap
- Speedwolf
- Spelling
- Spellling
- Spencer Dickinson
- sperma
- Spermbirds
- Spider Fever
- Spina Nel Fianco
- Spine
- Spinnerette
- Spiral Stairs
- Spirit Possession
- Spiritanimal
- Spirits
- Spiritual Cramp
- Spiritualized
- Spiritus Mortis
- Spitalfield
- Spitboy
- Spitboy.
- Spits
- Split System
- Splits, The
- Splitter
- Splitting Headache
- Splodgenessabounds
- Spoils
- Spoon
- Spore
- Sport
- Sportswear
- Spotlights
- Spranhd
- Spray Paint
- Spread Joy
- Springsteen, Bruce
- Springtime
- Springtime and Blind
- Springwater
- Sprouts
- Spy
- SS Decontrol
- Ssd
- Sss
- St. Hood
- St. Vincent
- Stadium Way
- Stains
- Stalag 13
- Stalkers
- Stampin Ground
- Stand And Fight
- Stand Off
- Stand Still
- Stand United
- Standish Carlyon
- Staples, Mavis
- Star Fucking Hipsters
- Star Strangled Bastards
- Starfuckers
- Staring Problem
- Starkweather
- Starlite Desperation
- Starmarket
- Stars Of The Lid
- Starvation
- Starvations
- Starving Wolves
- State
- State Craft
- State Of Fear
- Statehold
- Static Abyss
- Static Me
- Statistics
- Statues
- Stay Hungry
- Steal Your Crown
- Steel Nation
- Stella Donnelly
- Step Forward
- Stephen Egerton
- Stephen Brodsky
- Stephen Malkamus
- Stephen Malkmus
- Stephen O'Malley
- Stereo
- Stereolab
- Sterile Mind
- Steve Adamyk Band
- Steve Ignorant W/ Paranoid Visions
- Steve Ingorant
- Steve Reid Ensemble
- Steve Treatment
- Steve Von Till
- Stevens Sufjan
- Stevens, Sufjan
- Stevie Chick
- Stick And Stones
- Stick To Your Guns
- Stick Together
- Stiff Little Fingers
- Stiffs
- Stigma
- Stigmata
- Still Corners
- Still Crossed
- Still Life
- Stimulators
- Stinking Lizaveta
- Stirling Says
- Stitch
- Stitches
- Stiv Bators
- Stoic Violence
- Stolen Kidneys
- Stolen Lives
- Stomper 98
- Stone
- Stone Temple Pilots
- Stonebride
- Stoneburner
- Stooges
- Stop Breathing
- Stops
- Stormcrow
- Straight Ahead
- Straight Arrows
- Straight Jacket Nation
- Straight Razor
- Straight To Hell
- Straight To Your Face
- Strain
- Strange Boys
- Strange Wilds
- Stranglers
- Straps, the
- Strategy
- Stratford Mercenaries
- Stray Cats
- Strays Don’t Sleep
- Street Dogs
- Street Sects
- Streetlight Manifesto
- Streetwalking Cheetah
- Strength Approach
- Strength For A Reason
- Stretch Armstrong
- Striborg
- Strife
- Strike
- Strike Anywhere
- Strikeforce Diablo
- Striker
- Striking Distance
- Strokes, The
- Strong Intention
- Structure Of Lies
- Struggle
- Strummer, Joe
- Strummer, Joe And Mescaleros
- Strung Out
- Strung Up
- Strychnine
- Stryder
- Student Rick
- Stupids
- Su19b
- Subheim
- Subhumans
- Subject to Change
- Submachine
- Submarine Races
- Submerge
- Submission Hold
- Subrosa
- Suburban Scum
- Suburban Studs
- Subzero
- Succumb
- Suede Razors
- Suffering Hour
- Suffocation
- Sufjan Stevens & Lowell Brams
- Sufjan Stevens & Timo Andres
- Sufjan Stevens, Nico Muhly, Bryce Dessner, James McAlister
- Sugar
- Sugar Stems
- Sugarcubes
- Sugartown Cabaret
- Suicidal Tendencies
- Suicidas
- Suicide
- Suicide File
- Suicide Generation
- Suicide Machines
- Suicide Note
- Suicide Party
- Suis La Lune
- Sulfur City
- Sultans
- Sumac
- Sumerlands
- Sun & Sail Club
- Sun Ra
- Sun Ra & His Myth Science Arkestra
- Sun Return
- Sun's Signature
- Sunburned Hand of The Man
- Sunday Morning Einstein
- Sunday's Best
- Sundowner
- Sunglasses After Dark
- Sunno)))
- SUNNO))) + Scott Walker
- Sunny Day Real Estate
- Sunrise
- Sunset Rubdown
- Sunshine
- Sunshine State
- Super Fury Animals
- Super Unison
- Superchunk
- Superdrag
- Supersuckers
- Supersystem
- Supertouch
- Suppression
- Suppression Swing
- Surfer Blood
- Survival
- Suspect
- Suspect Parts
- Sutekh Hexen
- Suuns
- Suuns And Jerusalem In My Heart
- Suzi Moon
- Suzy & Los Quattro
- Svalbard
- Svart Framtid
- Svart Katt
- Svart Sno
- Svetlanas
- Svffer
- Swain
- Swallow The Sun
- Swami John Reis
- Swami John Reis & Blind Shake
- Swamp Dogg
- Swamp Thing
- Swan Lake
- Swankys
- Swans
- Swarm A.K.A. Knee Deep
- Swearin
- Sweat
- Sweep The Leg Johnny
- Sweet
- Sweet Apple
- Sweet Cobra
- Sweet Jesus
- Swell Maps
- Swell Season
- Swervedriver
- Swift, Richard
- Swing Kids
- Swingin Utters
- Switchblade
- Swiz
- Sword
- Syd Barrett
- Syd Barrett And Pink Floyd
- Symbol Six
- Synthetic ID
- System Exclusive
- System Shit
- Systematic Death
- Systematik
- Systems Officer
- Systral
- Szmej
- T Model Ford
- T Model Ford And Gravelroad
- T Rex
- T-Bone Walker
- T.S.O.L.
- T.S.T.
- Taake
- Tábor
- Tabula Rasa
- Tad
- Taiga Ii
- Take Control
- Take Offense
- Taking Back Sunday
- Talk Is Poison
- Talk Talk
- Talking Heads
- Tallest Man On Earth
- Tame Impala
- Tangents
- Tangerine Dream
- Tangorodrim
- Tankard
- Tanlines
- Tap And Die
- Tar
- Tara Jane O'Neil
- Tarantuja
- Tarentel
- Tau Cross
- Team Robespierre
- Tear It Up
- Tears For Fears
- Ted Leo And The Pharmacists
- Teen Idles
- Teenage Bottlerocket
- Teenage Fanclub
- Teenage Jesus And The Jerks
- Teengirl Fantasy
- Teeth Of The Hydra
- Telefon
- Telefon Tel Aviv
- Telemark
- Telescopes
- Television
- Television Personalities
- Temper Temper
- Tempers
- Templars
- Temple of Void
- Tempos
- Temptations
- Ten Crud Combo
- Ten Foot Pole
- Ten Yard Fight
- Tender Buttons
- Tenebrae
- Tenement
- Tension Span
- Terence Fixmer
- Terminal Sound System
- Terminal State
- Terrible Feelings
- Territories, The
- Terror
- Terror Bird
- Terrorizer
- Terry Edwards
- Terry Hale
- Terveet KÄdet
- Terveyskeskus
- Test Department
- Test Icicles
- Test Of Time
- Testament
- Testors
- Tetema
- Texas
- Texas Biscuit Bombs
- Texas Is The Reason
- Texas Terri Bomb
- Thalia Zedek Band
- Thao & Mirah
- Thao And The Get Down Stay Down
- Thao Nguen
- Thao With The Get Down Stay Down
- The 4th Movement
- The Arm & Sword
- The Armed
- The B-52's
- The Blood Divine
- The Bobby Lees
- The Boils
- The Bronx
- The Bug
- The C.I.A.
- The Cause
- The Choice Few
- The Coathangers
- The Contortions
- The Dance
- The Dark
- The Defects
- The Defense
- The Distance
- The Ejected
- The Ends
- The Exbats
- The Eye Of Time
- The Fialky
- The Four Seasons
- The Gang
- The Ghana Soul Explosion
- The Ghana Soul Explosions
- The Gospel Queens
- The Guests
- The Guttersnipes
- The Hated
- The John Coltrane Quartet
- The Lewd
- The Linda Lindas
- The Lloyds
- The Lord
- The Lords Of The New Church
- The Lurkers
- The Muslims
- The Necks
- The Old Wind
- The Owners
- The Restarts
- The Rockets
- The Sabbathian
- The Scam
- The Scarred
- The Shemps
- The Shifters
- The Skatalite
- The Skeptix
- The Sorts
- The Stalin
- The Take
- The Trouble
- The Valves
- The Venom
- The Wall
- The Wasps
- The Worst
- Thee Silver Mt Zion
- Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra
- Thee Undertakers
- THEESatisfaction
- Thelonious Monk
- Them Crooked Vultures
- Thema Eleven
- Therion
- Thermals
- These Are Powers
- These Arms Are Snakes
- These Arms Are Snakes All The Saints
- These Immortal Souls
- These New Puritans
- Thick
- Thick As Blood
- Thin Lizzy
- Think I Care
- Third Eye Foundation
- This Bike Is A Pipe Bomb
- This Day Forward
- This Is Hell
- This Is My Fist
- This Means War!
- This Quiet Army
- This Town Needs Guns
- This Will Destroy You
- Thisquietarmy
- Thomas Koner
- Thompson Twins
- Thorns
- Thorr's Hammer
- Thou
- Thou And The Body
- Thought Gang
- Thousands Will Die
- Threats
- Three
- Three Mile Pilot
- Three Penny Opera
- Thrice
- Thrills
- Throbbing Gristle
- Thrones
- Throw Me The Statue
- Throw Rag
- Throwdown
- Throwers
- Thunders, Johnny
- Thursday
- Tidal Sleep
- Tidemouth
- Tied Down
- Tiersen, Yann
- Tiger Army
- Tiger Flowers
- Tilt
- Tilton, Bob
- Tilts
- Tim Armstrong
- Tim Presley
- Tim Version
- Time Flies
- Time Flys
- Time For Living
- Time Heist
- Time In Malta
- Timms, Sally
- Timmy's Organism
- Tindersticks
- Tiny Ghosts
- Tiny Vipers
- Tipsy
- Tired From Now On
- Titan
- Title Fight
- Title Tracks
- To Hell And Back
- To Kill
- To Rococo Rot
- Toasters
- Tobacco
- Today Is The Day
- Todd
- Toe
- Token Entry
- Tokyo Police Club
- Tokyo Sex Destruction
- Tolerate
- Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
- Tomahawk
- Tomáš Niesner
- Tomáš Palucha
- Tombs
- Tommy And June
- Tone
- Tony Bennett
- Tony Conrad With Faust
- Tony Iommi
- Tony Sly
- Too Close To Touch
- Too Pure To Die
- Tool
- Top 100 Best Selling Album
- Toral, Rafael
- Torch Runner
- Torche
- Tori Amos
- Torment & Glory
- Torpur
- Torrini, Emiliana
- Torso
- Tortoise
- Tortoise + The Ex
- Torture Love
- Tossers
- Total Abuse
- Total Chaos
- Total Control
- Total Fury
- Total Hell
- Total War
- Totaled
- Totalitar
- Totem Skin
- Totenwald
- Totsugeki Sensya
- Touche Amore
- Tough Luck
- Toundra
- Towers
- Toxic Holocaust
- Toxic Narcotic
- Toxic Reasons
- Toxic Shock
- Toy Dolls
- Toyguitar
- Toyota Vangelis
- Toys That Kill
- Tožibabe
- Traditional Fools
- Tragedy
- Trail Of Dead
- Trainwreck
- Trans Megetti
- Transient
- Transistor Transistor
- Transplants
- Tranzmitors
- Trap Them
- Trapdoor Fucking Exit
- Trapped Under Ice
- Trappist
- Trash Talk
- Trau
- Trauma
- trauma ray
- Travoltas
- Treason
- Tree Of Sores
- Trees
- Trencher
- Trenches
- Trevor de Brauw
- Trevor Dunn
- Triac
- Trial
- Trial By Fire
- Tribe
- Tribes Of Neurot
- Tribo Massáhi
- Tricky
- Tricky Meets Src
- Triclops!
- Triple Threat
- Tristess
- Tristeza
- Tromsø Chamber Orchestra
- Tropical Fuck Storm
- Tropical Trash
- Trouble
- Troubled Horse
- True Blue
- True Colors
- True Fir
- True Head
- True Identity
- True Love
- True North
- True Vision
- True Widow
- Trumans Water
- Truth Cult
- Tryo
- Tsol
- Tsunami Bomb
- Tucker, Maureen
- Tumor Circus
- Tune-Yards
- Tuning
- Tupamaros
- Turbo A.C.'s
- Turbonegro
- Turbostaat
- Turing Machine
- Turmoil
- Turn Me On Dead Man
- Turner, Frank
- Turning Point
- Turnover
- Turnstile
- Tusk
- Tuxedomoon
- Tv Ghost
- Tv On The Radio
- TV Priest
- TV Smith
- Tweedy
- Twelve Hour Turn
- Twelve Tribes
- Twerps
- Twilight
- Twilight Singers
- Twilight Tramsmission
- Twin Peaks
- Twin Sister
- Twin Temple
- Twisated System
- Twisted Roots
- Twitching Tongues
- Two Bit Dezperados
- Two Gallants
- Two Ton Boa
- Ty Segall Band
- Tyler, The Creator
- Tyler, William
- Type O Negative
- Tyrannosaurus Rex
- Tyrant
- Tyvek
- V/A
- V/A - Jdi a Dívej Se
- V0NT
- Vaccine
- Václav Havelka III
- Vague Angels
- Vale
- Valerie Project, The
- Valet
- Valley Boy
- Vampire Weekend
- Van Pelt
- Van Zandt, Townes
- Vandaalit
- Vangelis
- Vanguard
- Vanhelgt
- Vanilla Muffins
- Vanishing
- Vanishing, The
- Vanum
- Var
- Vardlokk
- Varsity
- Varukers
- Vasaeleth
- Vastum
- Vatican Commandos
- Vatican Shadow
- Vaura
- Vaurio
- Vaz
- Vega, Alan
- Vegas
- Vein
- Velvet Cacoon
- Velvet Teen
- Velvet Undeground
- Velvet Undeground & Nico
- Velvet Undergorund
- Velvet Underground
- Velvet Underground & Nico
- Velvet Underground + Nico
- Venera
- Venerea
- Vengeance
- Venom
- Venom P. Stinger
- Venomous Concept
- Verbal Abuse
- Verbal Assault
- Verdugo
- Verheerer
- Verheerer
- Veronica Lipgloss
- Verse
- Versus The Mirror
- Vertical Scratchers
- Vesna Pisarovic
- Vespa
- Vesper
- Vestiges
- Vexx
- Viagra Boys
- Vibrators
- Vice Squad
- Vicious
- Vicious Circle
- Vicious Rumours
- Victims
- Victims Family
- Victory
- Victory At Sea
- Video
- Viet Cong
- Vigilante
- Viimeinen Kolonna
- Viklický, Emil
- Vile Cherubs
- Vile, Kurt
- Viletones
- Villagers
- Vincas
- Vincent, Sonny
- Vincent, Sonny And Rocket From The Crypt
- Vindicator
- Violation Wound
- Violator
- Violators
- Violence To Fade
- Violent Apathy
- Violent Arrest
- Violent Charge
- Violent Headache
- Violent Minds
- Violent Reaction
- Violent Society
- Violent Sons
- Virgin Prunes
- Virginia Black Lung
- Vironsusi
- Virus
- Virus Nine
- Visions Of War
- Vital Remains
- Vitamin X
- Viva L'American Death Ray Music
- Vive La Void
- Vivian Girls
- Vivisick
- Voetsek
- Voice Of A Generation
- Voice Of A Generation zine
- Voice Of Generation
- Void
- Void Omnia
- Voight Kampff
- Voivod
- Volcano Choir
- Vole
- Volt Ghosts
- Volta Sound
- Vomito
- Von Bondies
- Von Sudenfed
- Von Till, Steve
- Voodoo Glow Skulls
- Voorhees
- Votolato, Rocky
- Vouna
- Vowels
- Vss
- Vss, The
- Vue
- Vukari
- Vvhile
- Vyst
- W.h. Walker
- Wailers
- Wailin Storms
- Waits Tom
- Wake, The
- Waldgeflüster
- Walkabouts
- Walker, Scott
- Walkmen
- Wall
- Wall Breaker
- Wallbangers, The
- Wallbreaker
- Wallpaper
- Walls Of Jericho
- Walter "Wolfman" Washington
- Walter Wolfman Washington
- Wand
- Wang Wen
- Wang Weng
- War Hungry
- War Injun
- War Master
- War Of Destruction
- War On Drugs
- War On Women
- War Plague
- Warbrain
- Warcollapse
- Warcry
- Wardruna
- Warfare
- Warhammer
- Warhaus
- Warhead
- Warhorse
- Warkrime
- Warlocks
- Warm Soda
- Warm Thoughts
- Warmers
- Warning
- Warpaint
- Warprayer
- Warrior Kids
- Warriors
- Warsaw
- Warsaw Pact
- Warsaw Pakt
- Warsong
- Warthog
- Wartorn
- Warwound
- Warxgames
- Warzone
- Wasif, Imaad
- Waste
- Waste Management
- Wasted
- Wasted Time
- Wasteroid
- Wat Tyler
- Watchers
- Water From Your Eyes
- Waterboys
- Waterdown
- Watery Love
- Watter
- Waves Of Fury
- Wax Idols
- Wax Witches
- Waxahatchee
- Waxwing
- Wayfarer
- Waylon Jennings
- We Are Catchers
- We Came As Romans
- We Owe You Nothing
- We Were Skeletons
- Weakerthans
- Weapönizer
- Wear Your Wounds
- Wedding Dress
- Wedding Present
- Wednesday Night Heroes
- Weedeater
- Weekend Nachos
- Ween
- Weeping Icon
- Weezer
- Weggs, The
- Weird Nightmare
- Weird Owl
- Weird War
- Weirdos
- Welcome To Your Life
- Welcome Wagon
- Weller, Paul
- Wellington
- Wendy O. Williams And Plasmatics
- Wesley Willis
- West Side Boys
- Western Addiction
- Wet Leg
- Wet The Rope
- Weyes Blood
- Wham!
- Whatever It Takes
- When Tigers Fight
- Whips/Chains
- Whirr
- Whiskey & Co.
- Whispering Sons
- White Barons
- White Dog
- White Faces
- White Fence
- White Flag
- White Hills
- White Jack
- White Jazz
- White Lies
- White Lung
- White Manna
- White Noise
- White Noise Sound
- White Stripes
- White Suns
- White Wine
- White Wires
- White Wizard
- White, Jack
- Whitehorse
- Whithers, Bill
- Who Calls So Loud
- Who, The
- Who? What? Why?
- Why Be Something That You're Not
- Why?
- whyohwhy
- Widespread Blood
- Widespread Bloodshed
- Widows
- Widowspeak
- Wiegedood
- Wiggin Band, Dot
- Wigwam
- Wilco
- Wild Beasts
- Wild Moth
- Wild Nothing
- Wild Ones
- Wild Pink
- Wild Side
- Wilder Zoby
- Wilderness
- Wilding Accident
- Will Haven
- Will Oldham
- Willful Neglect
- William Basinski
- William Elliott Whitmore
- William Elliott Whitmore + Hoyston
- William Tyler
- Williams, Hank
- Williams, Hank Jr.
- Williamson James
- Willie Nelson
- Wilson Pickett
- Wilt
- Windhand
- Windmills By The Ocean
- Windsor For Derby
- Windsor For The Derby
- Windy & Carl
- Winehouse, Amy
- Wino
- Wino And Cony Ochs
- Winter
- Winterfylleth
- Wipers
- Wire
- Wisdom In Chains
- Wise
- Witch
- Witch Hunt
- Witch Mountain
- Witchcraft
- Witches, The
- Witchfinder General
- Witchfynde
- Witchskull
- With Blood Comes Cleansing
- With Dead Hands Rising
- With Honor
- With Love
- With Resistance
- With The Dead
- Withdrawal
- Withers
- Withers, Bill
- Within Reach
- Within The Ruins
- Without Peace
- Witnesses
- Wits End
- Witxes
- Wode
- Woe
- Wolf Colonel
- Wolf Down
- Wolf Eyes
- Wolf Head
- Wolf Parade
- Wolf People
- Wolf Whistle
- Wolfbrigade
- Wolfheart
- Wolfmanhattan Project
- Wolfpack
- Wolves
- Wolves Again
- Wolves In The Throne Room
- Wolvhammer
- Womack Bobby
- Woman's Hour
- Women
- Wonder, Stevie
- Wonk Unit
- Woodbine
- Wooden Shjips
- Wooden Wand
- Wooden Wand And Vanishing Voice
- Woods
- Word Salad
- Work Unit
- Working Men's Club
- Workshed
- World Be Free
- World Burns To Death
- World Collapse
- World I Hate
- World Is A Beautiful Place And I Am No Longer Afraid To Die
- World Peace
- World's End Girlfriend
- World/Inferno Friendship Society
- Worlds Scariest Police Chases
- Wormrot
- Wormwitch
- Worn In Red
- Worries
- Worse
- Worship
- Worst Ways
- Worst Witch
- Woude
- Wound Man
- Wounded Lion
- Wovenhand
- Wrangler Brutes
- Wreck And Reference
- Wreckless Eric
- Wrekmeister Harmonies
- Wretched
- Written From Negative
- Written Off
- wrong
- Wrong Answer
- Wu Tang Clan
- Wuds
- Wyatt, Robert
- Wymond Miles
- Wyrd